Do absolutely everything that you can to earn money for college while you still have time in high school. College is some of the best years of your life, but the cost of it can get in the way of that sometimes. Put as much work as possible into finding ways to pay for school so that you can enjoy it to the fullest. Once you're there, comtinue to look for ways to pay for college so you can complete your education and be able to start your after-college life with as little debt as possible. But! While you're still in school, enjoy every single minute of it. Work hard on your classes and your school work, but don't miss out on an opportunity that could be a blast or make you a better person in some way. Be bold, be brave, be active. Just be yourself and do what you want to do, you'll make some of the absolute best friendships and connections while you're at college. Cherish them, never forget your years in college, but the point of college is to prepare you for the future, so always keep that in mind.
As a young women, all you have is your family, friends, health, and education. You need to prioritize and focus on balancing these aspects of your life. At one point, the latter will become the foundation on which you build yourself on. Who do you want to be? Although you will not find a full definiton of you until well into your thirities or so, now is the time to gather proper, positive adjectives. Intelligent. Driven. Successful. That's a good start.
This is a difficult question, because I have gone though an incredible journey since high school; one that has shaped me into the person I am today. Most people might advise against an unenjoyable experience, but I would not. Some of the worst experiences of my life were the best things that I could have possibly done. Whether it be in relationships, or in work experiences, I don't regret anything that I have done in the past few years. I am proud of who I have become, and I wouldn't want to change that. So, I would tell my past self to trust myself. Also, my brother was recently shot in the leg, so I would advise him against being in that particular spot. Of course, as would any sane person in this situation, I would also tell myself the winning lottery numbers to last week's jackpot. This way, I would still go through the same strife and become a good person, and then win tons of money so I could pay for Medical School without any worries.
Do not give up! If you choose to fight, you will win! Remember what your mentors taught you, and more importantly remember the inspiring examples they showed you. Let go of yourself and you will be rewarded. It is now your time to give, and it will be a most rewarding experience. The best is yet to come, and wow is it exciting! Remember what you love, and the purpose that you were made.
At the beginning of my senior year I became involved in so many things. I loved it at the time, but now that I look back I wish I would of taken more time to just enjoy being young. I would tell myself to slow down and stop worrying about growing up too fast. Everything happens for a reason and everything will fall into place when it needs to. Stop trying to be perfect and stop trying to be what everyone else expects of you. This is the time to find yourself and enjoy life. You only get one chance, make the most of it, and stop stressing out about unimportant things. Let yourself have fun and don't put so much pressure on yourself, you're only human. You're not going to know everything and that's perfectly fine. Don't be afraid to try new things. It will all be worth it.
Hello high School Ray! You need to take highschool more serious, study more and ask more questions. These teachers that are trying to reach out to you have your best interest in mind. You are smart, you are a good student and with a little more effort, you can do amazing things. Being in high school is a good time to try out different classes and explore areas you may want to try in your future. Give it your ALL! One day, you will serve a mission for your church and spend 2 years serving God. In that time you will learn the importance of an education and through an education you can help you, your family and your community.
Having a chance at higher edcuation will do well. Keep up the good work high school Ray.
Hey you, yes, you - Put down the CD. That outfit? Not worth it. Really, you'll want that money.
Learn about interest, learn about how to save money, learn about how interest grows over time. The money your grandma gave you is going to seem like a lot to you now, and it will seem to pay for a lot of fun things. Sure, you'll pay for textbooks, but there will come a time when the scholarships run out and the jobs are thin - you'll want that little nest egg.
Be brave, but be smart. Don't be so disappointed by the school you couldn't afford, because the school you end up attending teaches you some important things about being a grown-up and won't saddle you with tons of debt.
If you can learn one thing while you are so young and have so much time ahead of you, it is this: savings is important, and it will be the difference between living like your parents and every other adult you currently know (in debt and barely scraping by). So put down those cute shoes that will end up giving you blisters anyway.
Knowing what I know now, I would convince myself to study as hard as I can because the classes are a lot harder than they seem. Getting good grades at the end of a semester is a great feeling. I have loved everything about my school so I would probably reasure myself that I made a good decision by choosing this school. It was a great way that my family could bond considering the fact that they also attended Kansas State. School pride is huge for them and it is huge for me know as well. I would let myself know that college is going to be a great time for me and to not waste my time stressing about it.
Note to past self: Do everything in your power to be prepared. You can survive college, but to thrive, you really have to give it your all. Classes can be difficult and confusing, you will have no free time for the next five years of your life, and you may as well hook your wallet up to life support right now, but you will learn, and that's the whole reason you're going. Start by taking good notes. Forget about tests, this is the information you will need to know to pursue the work that interests you, and you will never remember it all, so write down everything. Do not procrastinate. Quality work takes time, and quality is what you should expect of yourself. Moreover, assignments will try to overwhelm you with sheer numbers, so start them as soon as possible. Stay close with friends and family. You will be busier than ever, but take the time to talk to them, because you will have rough days and need someone to sympathize. Lastly but certainly not least, save as much money as possible. College students' two most basic costs are food and tuition. You'll need every penny.
My high school self was way too confident in her ability to conquer college. I would explain that it gets lonely, challenging, busy, but so rewarding. I would forbid myself from following my boyfriend to college as he will only break my heart and tell myself that there is never a reason to hide in your room every weekend. I would tell myself that I do need to get a job and that it will not be easy to find one, but do not give up. Every bad thing that happens is teaching you a life lesson so appreciate the hard times, and there is no heart ache or catastrophe that cannot be cured with a tub of Fudge Ripple Ice Cream! Mostly, I would have encouraged myself to get as many scholarships as I could, because they are like little angel kisses that keep you from falling into eternal debt.