Kansas State University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Kansas State University?


That we are all hicks. This isn't true. Kansas State has a very strong agricultural program, but that is not all of what Kansas State is about. There are tons of options, and one stereotype cannot describe all the cultures, religions, and everything else represented on campus


That we're all aggies and that anyone who comes here gets a substandard or strictly ag-geared education.


Everyone comes from a small farm town in the middle of no where and there is nothing to do in Kansas.


We tend to be known as very friendly, down to earth people. We also have a reputation for being ag oriented.


Hicks mainly because Kstate is an AG major school. Sterotype about the students...very friendly and welcoming and it proved to be right when school started!


I guess I have heard, specially from people that go to KU, that everybody at K-State is a "red neck" (quoting) and that it is too Agriculture-oriented.


That we are all hicks and farmers.


cowboys, farmers, farm town


That we are all farmers, and want to be Agriculture majors.


There are a lot of people that say K-State is a farm school, a "hick" school if you will. (and it probably doesn't help that we have cows across the street from our stadium.) Also, because we are in a smaller town people seem to think that theres not much to do and its boring.