Kansas State University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Kansas State University?


Parties and bars


How it is such a large university, yet it feels like a strong community. Everytime I walk accross campus I see somebody I know. Everyone is so friendly and welcoming.


I brag to my friends mostly about how nice the campus is.


The atmosphere. The campus is always buzzing and people are very laid back here. You can wear a hoodie and jeans everyday to class or you can dress up as much as you like and no one will look at you any different. We also have strong traditions and many times you dont realize exactly what they are until you experience it first hand and Its an amazing experience when you do.


The one thing i tell people the most is how freindly peope are. People always look out for others on campus.


It's size and variety of classes.


I brag about the activities that my campus has.