James Madison University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I felt pretty well prepared for what JMU has to offer when I entered here in 2007. I maybe would have liked to know what places on campus would hire students right away, rather than waiting a few years to get a job at school. If I could go back and do it again, I would have started working at the campus bookstore with the buyback program and then worked on getting hired for the rest of the year. The campus bookstore has many positive, wonderful employees who offer flexible hours based on class schedules.


I wish I had known I wouldn't need all those clothes I bought. I honestly wear sweats almost every day.


i wished i would have known exaclty how fast money is spent when paying for your own education! i wish i would have saved more money.


A more efficient way to schedule classes and get affiliated with my class options.


I wish I knew about some of the other academic programs they have so that I could have gotten involved and it would have helped me keep a better GPA. They don't give their programs enough credit, they really work, but they don't advertise them as much as they should!


How much of a party school JMU would be.


This school offers so many cultural experiences and opportunities that are not so readily available in the real world. Plays, concerts, lectures, these are all things that the school has to offer its students and once you leave college these things are not so easy to come by. Take advantage of them when you can.


I wish i was made aware of the majority of girls that the campus is made up of and that the classes at times especially in gen eds are very large.


I wish I had known that there isn't very good internet access in the dorms.


I wish i knew the challenge of adjusting to a new place and new people.