Before coming to ISU, I wish I would have known how to get involved in all the opportunities the university had to offer. Everyone mentioned clubs, greek life, etc, but not HOW to get involved. I am starting my second semester and am still discovering new opportunies through emails and posters, but not information on how to be a part of it!
I wished I would have had developed my study skills a lot more. College is a whole new ball game. It requires much more studying than high school and studying takes up more of your time.
I did not know about all the available majors at Iowa State. I came into the school as a chemical engineer, but quickly found that I did not want to be a Chemical Engineering. I switched into Food Science after my first semester, but I would have gone in with that major if I had known there was even such a thing. My high school advisor only ever touched upon the most common degrees, and I wished that I had known that there were other options going into college.
I wish I would have known how much of a transition college life was from highschool life and been more prepared for the transition.
I wish I had known just how much work it would have been to stay involved with activities and get good grades.
If I were to do it all over again, I would have become more mindful of the agricultural way of life. I have met many students raised on farms and felt quote alienated. I would visit farms and speak to farmers and possibly help with some chores. It would be humbling and interesting experience. I would also prepare myself to study more vigorously as the semesters continue on. I would get more help from professors, tutors, and fellow classmates in order to achive greatness academically.
i wish i would have known how to get around the campus. I also wish i would have known more about the differance between living on campus and living off campus.
I wish I had known more about scholarship opportunities. Also get involved. The university has a week long celebration in the spring that promotes unity throughout the different colleges. It's the best week, and it's a nice break before finals!
I wish I had known that the campus at Iowa State is not that diversely populated. Instead, you get to see alot of people all the time from the same background having the same race and sharing the same views.
I wish I would have known the schedule and routes of the campus bus system, CyRide. I was extremely nervous to get on the buses because I was unsure where it would take me, among other things. Once I got the hang of things I realized how great CyRide really is and regret not being able to take full advantage of it from the beginning of the year.