I would give myself the advice to learn everything that you possibly can. Knowlegde is power. Also, I would tell myself to get involved no matter what your major will be. It will be essential to you in the future.
I wish I had a time machine to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior. The transition to college would've been easier if I knew then what I know now. The first thing I would tell myself is "Kelsey, you need to spend time outside of class studying and reading." High school was a joke and I didn't take it serious because I hardly did any schoolwork outside of class. I still managed to get good grades. On the other hand, college is a totally different story. You have to earn your grade. It was difficult to sit down and study instead of go out with my friends. My hard work in college has paid off and my grades reflect on it. Another thing I would tell myself if I could go back a year would be to not procrastinate. I used to be the person that would stay up until three in the morning finishing a paper that was due the next day. I learned my lesson so now I'm on top of the ball. Knowing what I know now about college, I wish I could turn the clock back.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to fill out more scholarships. I know so many kids who are going to college for free because they filled out a million scholarships and got them all. I filled a ton out , but I didn't recieve any. My family really can't afford to keep sending me to the school I want to go to. I would also have to tell myself that I need to get involved in some kind of club so that I can meet new people and make more friends. Another thing I would want to say to myself is that I need to live somewhat spontaneously and not get stuck in a boring routine. The most important thing I would tell myself is that I need to discover who I am as a person while I have so much freedom and time to spare.
If I could go back and talk to my high school self, I would tell my self not to stress out so much about the little things. I would also tell my high school self to be a little more flexible and take some fun classes along with the required classes, and if those lead you to changing your major to be happier with the degree you are going to get then so be it. I would also tell myself that it is okay to take a break from homework every now and then and have some fun, otherwise you might get burnt out on classes and that is a very unfortunate feeling. The last thing I would tell myself would be to stop being afraid to talk to classmates. Making friends is essential to getting through college.
I would suggest forgetting about friends, gossip, and popularity to the extent that I could concentrate on what is important. I would tell myself that Math is easy when you are paying attention, Science will be your passion, and that I would make an excellent teacher as I understand the concepts explained to me and express myself well. I would emphasize the fact that if I do my homework, pay attention in class, and do not worry about "boyfriends" I will be able to support my children in a much easier way than spending years at a time in the Middle East.
If I could go back and talk to myself I would say be selfish. I know it sounds weird but I wish someone would have said those words to me at the beginning of my college process. By be selfish I mean it only when making the descion on where you want to go and why you want to go there. In the beginning of my process I didn't realize that all the items on my list of things to look for in a school were to please others. As it got closer to my desicion deadlines I tried my hardest to avoid making a choice until I finally, I admitted I didn't like either school. So I took the semester off and this time did my college search based off my wants and goals. I decided on IUPUI and have no regrets! So if I could help anyone I'd remind them "Its your future,no one can live your life for you so take this opportunity now to better it based upon your dreams and goals because if you don't you have to live with regret not those who you tried to please".
As a highs school senior, I would tell myself of the intensity of the work load that is put on a college student. I would inform myself of how much is expected, to what importance it is keep on top of school work, and ahead of the game. It should be mentioned of all the extracurricular activities and groups that will help further your education into graduate school and beyond. The transition from high school to college can be made easier if one is aware of the expectancies beforehand. It's important to be well prepared for the start of college, and a goal in mind for your future. College is the time to shine, to show and fulfill the potential everyone knows you have, be able to meet the high standards of your own, doing so will make you more ready for success and brilliance.
If I could look back as a high school senior, I would tell myself 3 things. One take an initiative at looking at a different schools and what they have to offer. Ask people that you know that is older and have been to college so that you know what to look for. This really makes a difference in the rest of your life. Two do not let anyone else influense your decision. Even though your best friends are going to this school, that may not be the best school to go to for your major that you are wanting to pursue. Three stay relaxed but be proactive. Time is everything so don't waste it.
I graduated high school at 16, and because I was young for my grade I was still 16 my first day of college. I am now 34, and am beginning my 3rd semester as a returning college student. If I could go back and talk to my 16 year old self I would tell her that life is about to get tough. I would tell her that she is about to make decisions that will have a lasting impact on herself and others, and some of the hurts from those decisions will never go away.
However I would also tell her not to change a thing. A life lived with regrets is a life not lived. Look at your mistakes and learn from them, but then let them go. Without those mistakes she would not grow into the person I am today. I would tell her that if here and now was the end of the story, that the ending would be a happy, triumphant one, but it isn't over yet. There will always be the next challenge to overcome, and through her tenacity, she will always struggle and overcome each test that life brings her way.
Keep your options open. Don't rule anything out too soon.
Give yourself a chance to experience a variety of studies.
That little voice inside your head is probably right.
Nothing is ever certain, prepare for all possibilities.
LISTEN TO YOUR PARENTS AND TEACHERS! They are really trying to help you.
Mistakes are not the end of your life. They are a chance to start over a little smarter.
Get involved in campus life as soon as you get there. Don't be afraid to join groups and activities. Find your place in campus life and make a name for yourself.
YES YOU CAN! (repeating what parents and teachers often said)