Wow. To imagine going back in time is pretty trippy, but to talk to my high school self, I would have to steel my patience. I am a very different kind of person, now, so it is not lightly that I would consider telling my past self that he has to stop a lot of what he is doing. I would break it down this way:
1.While making people laugh and blowing school off seem great NOW, it won’t later.
In my senior yearbook, I am listed as the “class clown” for my student body. I goofed off. A lot. Too much, even. Now, a joke here and there are fine, but there are opportunities I’ve missed, even at 29, because of my high school grades. I’d recommend less jokes.
2.Show a little backbone.
“I’ve been to your high school reunion, me,” I might say, “and let me tell you: none of it matters. The stuff you are sweating now seems crucial, but you are living in a bubble. You’ll leave the bubble one day, and on that day, confidence is key. That’s what you’ll need to succeed: Confidence.
If I were to go back in time i would have made sure that I wasnt influenced by others and would have attended all freshman year classes. The fact that I did take that route it made it more difficult for me when it came to my credits so while my peers were in school half day in their senior year I was stuck in school til 3. Another change I would have made if I could go back in time would be for me to prepare myself junior year seeing universities and choosing a top notch college to be accepted in after college. Now Im in my first year of community college after graduating in 2006. Im happy to have this opportunity to go now due to financial aid but I sure wish I had the full college experience and started sooner.
Get a job as soon as possible because eventually you will be on your own. Once you make some money, first thing, buy a huge winter coat because it insanely cold in Fort Wayne, Indiana compared to Converse, Texas. Secondly, eat out as least as possible the cost of dinning out is only going to get higher and higher. Another good idea is to buy a lot of non perishable food (not canned foods) and have your parents or someone close to you ship them to you once you move into your dorm. After everything is unpacked in your dorm CALL EVERYONE YOU KNOW to tell them that you are settled and that you are okay and ask older relatives any questions you have about college life. Oh-ho classes, don't get any electives the first two years so that you will be accustomed to working hard for your desired grades. Ask your professors everything, I mean everything, to the point where when you want to speak, the professor will answer you before you finish what you were saying because they are tired of your relentless questions. Oh, one last thing, GOOD LUCK WITH THE BEGINNING OF YOUR LIFE.
I would tell myself to stop worrying about time. I would remind myself about how fast high school seemed to go by, and how at any one moment it always seemed like the next school break was so far away, but when it was all done, it seemed like a blur. Furthermore, I would ask the question, "Are you happy right now?" If the answer is yes, that doesn't mean you can't be excited for the future or wish to change things, but hopefully it will stop me from worrying about how much time is in front of me. The number of days until the weekend. The number of weeks until break. The number of semesters until graduation. And so on. The future is exciting, as it should be, but I would make sure to let myself know that if I just embrace the situation I am in--as long as it allows me to be happy--I will stop obsessively looking to the future for some alternative situation that will make life perfect. I would never tell myself to stop seeking improvement, but that it's crucial to recognize the happiness that is already present.
The advice I would give myself as a high school senior, would be to never doubt myself. Doubt never gets you anywhere. You have to push through all of your insecurity, and just go for what you want. No dream is silly, and if you hold back, you'll never get to where you want to go in life. Don't listen to other people's opinions, what anyone else but you thinks, is irrelevant in the end.
I would have told myself to start saving money. College is very expensive and most people, like myself, have to pay for it all with no help from parents or anyone. I would've told myself to get a job alot sooner than I did so I knew what it was like to work and make money and have responsabilities. Also, I would tell myself that college is harder than most people make it out to be, and to study for classes because studying really does help.
College provides many wonderful opportunities should you choose to seize them. There will be people who share your ideals and many others with completely opposite views on life. Show love and respect to those with different beliefs but never lose your faith. Being undecided on your major is nothing to be embarrassed about. Take classes from many different majors and enjoy discovering about yourself along the way. I know it is hard to make friends but the worst action you can take is no action. Go out of your way to join a variety of clubs and become an active member in them all. You will be surprised how much more comfortable you are when you can call out to someone on campus and they call your name back. Never take your college experience for granted. Study hard to succeed in every class and do not back down because the material gets harder. When life gets you down remember how blessed you are to be able to attend college. Try your best to stay on the sunny side and strive to succeed in all that you do. Your life has only begun and you will succeed if you try.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to make better decisions when it comes to filling out scholarships. Even though I thought I had another plan in mind, I still should have made a back up plan. I would tell myself to consider other opportunities out there.
If I could go back and talk to myself in high school, I would tell myself this one thing: Follow your intuition on every decision that you make and do not use logic, practicality, or other’s opinions to determine what you want to do with your life and career. When I entered college, I thought I had no idea what I wanted to do in life and I looked to others for advice and for guidance on the most “practical” careers to get into. The truth though, is that my heart knew what I wanted to do all along, I just didn’t listen to it because I was too scared to follow my dreams. I was too scared to follow what I knew I always wanted to be and I was too scared to make an “impractical” decision. This is awful thinking though; not following your heart and intuition IS making the wrong decision. It led me to experience immense dissatisfaction with what I was doing in college and even led to a prolonged period of depression that could have been avoided. Every high school senior needs to hear this: LISTEN TO YOUR HEART! Your heart is right.
If I could go back in time to my senior year in high school the advice I would give my self is to have mind control. Mind control means that I can be in control of any situation. If a person have mind control studying for test will not be hard. I can easily get my mind straight and tell my self that I need to study. If I have mind control I can get the things done that I need to get done, then focus on the less important things like hanging out. Having mind control will prep students for the worst. People will have a clear mind set of taking care of buisness and getting great grades. I have been struggling with staying focused and trying to study when I do not want to, it is hard. Having great mind control would have been a major key for success in my opionion.