People that like living in a city area should not come here. Indiana is a very rural area, and other than the campus itself there is not much to do. The mall is not very nice, and there are not many places to shop or eat that are close to campus.
You should not attend this school if you are not willing to accept a challenge. It is very hard and a lot of work. I also do not suggest it for people who are not truly in love with cooking because if you are not in love with it, you will not be willing to work as hard as you need to.
If you are a student looking to get an easy ride through college you should not attend. The teachers here are not stupid and are willing to help those that show they want and need it. If you are not willing to do the reading and homework assigned you mine as well not waste your money.
The only kind of people I could not imagine successfully attending this school are people who do not enjoy the cold weather and, unfortunately physically handycaped citizens. The reason I say it would be hard for a person who is physically handycaped is because the campus has a lot of hills. It does have wheel chair ramps, and they do try and accomidate the best they can, but is very difficult for an able person to sometimes walk up those hills let alone someone in a wheel chair. It is not impossible, but it is unfortunatly more difficult for them.
I think that the kind of person that shouldn't attend this school is a city person, like me. Being from New York City I have taken the longest time to make myself comfortable in my new suburbs surrounding.
One that doesn't want to take college seriously and does not plan on studying hard to excel.
If you dislike cold weather; lots of harsh, windy winters on campus.
Someone that can't make their own fun out of a situation. With IUP being a "just right feel" campus, things can get a little boring sometimes, that's why you need to make your own fun. Also, someone that shouldn't attend this college is someone that doesn't like change. The students on this campus are their own person and uniqe, sometime more than what you are use to. Other than that, i believe that anyone could atten IUP and experience what college is all about.
Anyone that wants to be known for something out of the ordinary should not attend this school. Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) is good for Music and Education, but even in those departments IUP has its limitations. Also, individuals that like the big city should search for a different college to attend. This college is located in a small town, which does not see much activity unless IUP is in session and has limited store choices. Students that love warm weather should avoid this college too. For more information on weather, see question on frustrations.
I really don't think there's anybody that shouldn't attend IUP. They are very accommodating.