Make sure you visit the college before you decide!
In finding the right school for you, know your areas of interest, no matter the number. Look for schools that not only have your perferred areas, but others that are somewhat realted to those areas. Who knows, you might take a random class taht has some relative connection to an interest of yours, and find your calling! In the size of schools, use your high school population as a comparision. If you thought your high school was small, go for something bigger. If you went to a massive high school of multiple thousand students, there are amazing schools that are smaller. The whold point of college is to further your education, in all aspects! Embrace the new atmosphere! - take advantage of your new freedom. You will recieve an unmatchable education from the people you meet. So of course go to class and do your homework, but also get involved, go out on the weekends, and have those random philosophical talks and debates at two in the morning that unexpectedly happen. The things I've learned from the people I met while at college is an education that I wouldn't trade for the world.
Do your research and use opportunities that you have. I found out information about this school when I was in high school. On the career days we had in high school, I used one of the days to come visit this school to make sure this is the school I would want to go to. Parents and students do not make a last minute decision, plan accordingly. I think if I would have rushed and not did my research I would have just picked any school because I had different options, Indiana University was my first but that decision came after I found information on the school.
Well, to first look up the colleges that you or he/she have thought about and then to see if it offers what you or your daughter/son is looking for!
Make sure you pick a school the right size! Don't worry about where your friends from high school are going to college- when you get to school you'll branch out and meet new people who you'll grow to be life long friends with.
Parents- take your kids to visit schools! Not just a few, a lot of schools. And don't just spend time going to college visits there. Take a day and just cruise around the town seeing what it has to offer as well as the school.
Incoming freshmen- Don't be afraid to try new things. College isn't just school, it is a veritiable mine of opportunities and experiences that wait for you if you're willing to seek them out. Don't overload yourself with coursework no matter how ambitious you feel (I did that and the results were not good). Make sure you've got the right major, but don't take too long- you don't want to be in school six years for your bachelors. Remember to have fun. Unwind once in a while.
That's all I've got. Good luck!
I would say just find a place you wanna be and are comfortable. Don't choose a school based solely on statistics or stereotypes. yeah, college is all about the degree you get, but at the same time it's so much more than that. It's the experience on being on you're own for the first time, finding out who you are and what you might want to become. Obviously going to classes and studying is the number 1 priority, but you can't ignore the weekends and having a social life. College is a unique once in a lifetime oppourtunity and the 4 years will fly by, so make the most of it and enjoy every minute.
You should figure out if you would prefer a small, medium, or large sized school. You should note the surroundings, the campus life activities, sports and recreational facilities offered, music and theatrical productions offered, greek life... You should focus on what program your major is in, and talk to alumni about their experience taking the same classes and what they have done since graduation. You should attend all campus events and try to meet as many people as you can! You should eat at the dining halls and try to be out going. You should join clubs! And you should always keep in contact with your friends from home, while still making new friends! Make sure you manage your money wisely! Do well in classes. SLEEP. DON'T SHARE FOOD/DRINKING UTENSILS. Always wash your hands, and try to stay healthy! and ENJOY YOURSELF!
Advice to incoming college students and their families would be to pick a school that offers a good program that they want to study and is the right size in terms of student body. Do not pick a school based on friends or boy/girlfriends. Pick a school that will allow you to do your best academically. Once at college, stay focused on the real reason you are there - academics! Do not get caught up in drinking or hanging out with the wrong crowd. College is stressful for many students beacuse of the pressure to do well set forth by parents. A good way to relieve stress is to workout, eat right, and go to bed early. By keeping a balanced mind and a balanced body a student will be better focused and determined to succeed. As far as classes go, do not fall behind. Study the notes and read the textbooks. Remember, keep a balanced mind and body and you will go far! Good luck!
Don't settle for the first place that accepts you. Apply yourself and try for the college that you really want to get into. There is no reason not to try...
Do what's right for you; don't be influenced by anyone for the wrong reasons.