To find the right college, you need to look at what you want to do with your life, not just the long term for a job, but the short term too, with what activities you find interesting on campus and what things you'll want to be involved in for these four years of your life. Also don't just listen to what the advisors tell you. Talk to the students. They have more knowledge about student life on and off campus because they are actually living the student life currently. As for how you want to live your college experience, the choice is yours. There are so many options out there, and you can chose whether you take advantage of a few or all of them.
As a parent or future college attending school, make sure you really check out schools of different sizes and visit when school is in session. I think that going over the summer can be hard because it does know show the real campus atmosphere that you would get throughout the year. Also, make sure you do not rule out a small school because big schools can be overwhelming and you really can get lost in a crowd. Once in college, make sure you involved yourself. Especially if you do not know other kids from your high school or you want to branch away, it can be really difficult just meeting people from class and on your floor. Lucky for me I did find some best friends from my floor but otherwise it can be hard. So branch out, get involved, and make some ever lasting friends!
Just remember that you're about to spend tens of thousands of dollars, and while you may have fond memories of protests and bra burnings in your college days, you don't want to waste that money sending your kid to a school were they'll get high and be taught to drone on about the plight of the working class all day. Find a school with a good course offering and a good program in a real degree your child is interested in. Courses in queer theory and racial studies are usually a good hint that the school is going to be using your money to teach other people's kids (and potentially yours) a bunch of useless theories from some '60s radical left overs. Be smart, spend smart.
Definitely go for a large college like Indiana! Even if you're shy and think you would like a small school better, give the big schools a chance because you have a much greater opportunity to meet people and find your niche. Plus, the big schools are much more fun!
It's important to go and see the college of your choice because many times when you go there, it may not be the college experience you would want. I would tell the students to join clubs to get involved with the campus. If they are interested in the fraternity and sororitiy life, they should consider rushing.
Be brave, get out of your comfort zone and experience new things but hold on to your values and know yourself going in. Don't forget how big the world is, you may not find like minded people but you are at school for an education.
My advice to parents and/or students would be to make a list of colleges that the student is considering. Have that student research those colleges and find out about the campus, extracurricular activities, dorms, the classes they offer, etc. The college or university should be a place where the student will feel comfortable and it should match the personality of that student. Yes, college campuses and universities have personalities. It is very important to find an activity, whether it be a sorority, fraternity, living and learning center, student board or instramural sports. It provides a way to get away from the stress of school work and it's a positive outlet. After the student has decided on a couple of colleges, go and talk to a high school advisor and find out if there are any programs that your school provides to go and visit college campuses and find out more about the colleges that interest that student. The atmosphere of a particular campus is vital to a student. If the student is really outgoing and loves making new friends and socializing, they shouldn't pick a small college with little activity going on.
A great college experience is not always about the school a student chooses. It is more about the people the student meets and the opportunties the student takes advantage of. Every school can offer students a plethora of opportunties, so it is not about finding the right college, it is about making the most out of the school you are at.
Never think you have to make up your mind, allow yourself freedom to play around until you find a path that seems right for you.
Although it may be more expensive, let your children live on campus the first year. It is a priceless experience.