Indiana State University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Indiana State University?


Some of the instructors don't speak English well or they don't communicate with the students well


the dorms are to old and out dated


The most frustrating thing about my school would be the attendance policy. I know going to class is important in order to succeed, but I don't think it should be required, meaning it shouldn't be worth points. Last semester, I received so many points from atendance in a class that I could fail a test, and it wouldn't change my grade. That's not right. Also, there are some class sessions that are a waste of time, so as college students, we should be able to make the decision to go without worrying about losing points.


The lack of student parking and nothing to do.


It seems like there are not enough retention programs. There needs to be more help for the students. The university as a whole needs to get involved and I feel that the students need to get involved as well, which is why I joined the first year programs.


The most frustrating thing about the school that i currently attend is the weather that occurs during the spring semester. It snows or rains pretty much everyday and it's rough walking across campus to arrive to your class. At least once every month, I see someone fall because of the ice or something.


The most frustrating thing to me about my school is the transition from high school work to college work.


The most frustrating thing about my school, in my opinion, are the professors. In some ways, I feel as if the professors just want to do their jobs and get out. They don't seem to want to stay and help students succeed. This is not all professors, just some.


Parking! It's hard to find a parking spot


The trains that are around campus. They are loud and sometimes disrupt class.