If I ever had the chance to go back to my high school days and somehow give myself the oppurtunity to know what I know now, I could honestly say I would have a couple things to say. First, I would tell myself to relax, that life really isn't that bad, and that I need to start realizing that tomorrow is never guaranteed and the best thing to do is to take life day by day. I would also tell myself to keep setting my mind on goals, and never stop striving to acheive them. I would let myself know that there is going to be tough times along the way, that relationships are going to take a different turn and make you a better man, and that the career you chose for yourself will end up not be the one you wanted in the end because of getting hurt. Even though these problems will arise, I would tell myself to keep my head up, to stay strong, and to never lose faith, because no matter what, god will always be by your side and guide you in the right direction.
I would have done dual enrollment, with no second guessing myself. I stayed in highschool so I could be with my friends in my last year but by now I realized that those people are not around anymore and they were not my true friends anyway. I definately should have made a decision for myself and not my so called "friends".
First off, I would have talked myself into doing dual enrollment. I didn't really take a look into it and I should have. I could be half way through my Bachelors if I would have considered in doing dual enrollment. It really is a great opportunity that they provide you with. Second, let myself know that entering college isn't as nerve racking as you think. I was so nervous about joining college. It provides you with a better way to make a life for yourself and meet new people.
Hmm if I was a senior in highschool again, I would tell myself that college is not like highschool. You definately have to be responsible for all of your actions which, in a sense, is great preperation for the real world where no one will hold your hand through life's challenges. I would tell myself that I should NOT get distracted from my real job which is essentially getting good grades and paying attention in my classes. Do not fall into the clutches of the world such as girls (broken heart), drugs (addiction) and ungodliness which will only lead to emptiness and a hard life. I would tell myself that in order to pass your classes, you MUST read the assigned pages in your textbooks and study extravegantly to get good grades or you will end up losing your scholarships (which was a hard lesson for me to learn). Those are the main things I would tell my senior self.
To Alex,
2007 I know we have had a rough year, I was there when they told you about the tumors, I was there when they put you through the tests, I was there when they labed you with MS, and I was there when they took the Air Force Acadamy our dream away from you.
But I am not them, I am you, and I'm here to tell you, GET OVER IT! Your time is upon you just as it is everyone else. Know that time doesnt care about any of your issues, it wont wait for you nor anyone to recover. Dont make my mistakes. Throw away that pride. There is no such thing as applying for too much finacial aid. Quite frankly neither your pride nor you can afford to not apply for the aid. I know your upset and you feell that without your dream you cant do anything but I promise you it gets better.
I came to tell you that the road before you is neither smooth nor short, you will have to relearn to walk upon it, literaly. But through that struggle you will find a new destination, Physical Therapy. Good Luck.
Don't be afriad to spread you wings and fly, and don't be afraid to fly in the opposite direction of all the other birds. You can do anything that you put your mind to. The road is long a bumpy and it takes many different unexpected turns, but as long as you don't give up you will get there. And lastly, If you never look down you will never fall.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself not to go away to an out of state college. I originally went out of state to a school and loved it, but it put me in serious debt that may take my whole life to pay off with the career that I am going into and I ran out of the ability to get more money after only one year. I love college and I loved my experience at the other school, but it was not worth the possibility of ruining my entire future because I wanted out of my home state. I would tell myself that I cant wait to do some of the things that are on my 'bucket list,' but I need to focus on getting to that point first.
Once you start don't quit because it will be along time if ever before you go back to finish. Take classes more seriously. Don't be afraid to get help -- don't suffer insilence. I should have paid more attention in class. Should have challenged myself more - should have taken the road less traveled.
I would tell myself not to take a year off and go straight into it. I would also tell myself not to listen to my peers and parents about the career choices, I would explain to make my own decisions because I'm the the one who will do the studying and live the life the way I want.
Do your absolute best in high school. Push to get the highest scoring GPA. Listen and learn everything that is being taught, and if you do not understand something, ask! That is what the teachers are there for..to teach. Apply for scholarships and get to college right from high school. Do not put it off thinking that a break from high school is needed. It is not needed, it only delays your life. Do not put your life on hold.