I feel the best thing about this school is the campus itsself. There's plenty of resources in each of the buildings. They have offices for scholarship help, financial aid, counciling, and just about anything else that college students need.
The research opportunities are very vast and immense in which ever major students choose to declare. Also, there is always an upbeat attitude all around the campus and plenty of Bengal Spirit! It is such a wonderful schoool all-in-all. I can't imagine having the same opportunities that I do for internships and research that I have here at othe universities.
The best thing for me was the convience of it being so close to my home.
A unique feature about ISU campus is that there is a lot of non-traditional students. It is all good to go to a college with everyone fresh out of highschool but it is also nice to have a variety to make you feel at home. Such as those people who have either gone on missions and been out of school for a couple of years, people who have gotten married and taken time off, or people who have just simply taken time off from school before they have decided to go back.
The best thing about Idaho State University is the small town and community atmosphere. Because the school is relatively small, class sizes are small and professors are usually very easily accessible.
The Student Union building. This is mainly because it is a great way to unwind from classes, and enjoy a great time with friends. You are also able to just sit back and relax or get some studying in.
It's a beautiful campus.
I really like the professors. They are so willing to help out in any situation and they want you to succeed.
The best thing about my I live near the campus and this allows easy access to higher educational opportunities. Having worked as a police officer for twenty-three years in city Idaho State University is located in, I have been able to associate with members of the university staff and students for years. I saw my spouse graduate from the College of Education and become a teacher. This has driven me to return to the same college for a new career, making it easy to attend and still work to support my family.
The best thing about my school is that the classes are small and therefore the professors in your department get to know very well and help you academically and professionally.