Take the summer before you start college to become familiar with the student account that is assigned to you. It has all your class info, book requirements, and more. You will use it multiple times a day. It will add to your stress if you wait until you get to college to start using your account. You will be glad that you took the time to learn your way around it when you had time to really look it over. Also take a minute to make sure that none of your classes are in conflict with each other. I realized during the middle of the first week that I had two classes at the same time. I was lucky to get it corrected before I missed one of the classes. I will definitely tell anyone I know that is starting their first year of college to make sure they do these two things. The stress I went through with the conflicting classes was something I could have avoided if I had taken the time to check it all out before I started my first week.
Dear High School Senior Kaitlyn,
I know you are worried about going to Idaho State University where you know no one and you are leaving your best friends, but it is so worth it. You will love it here and meet some great people. One thing you need to go though is scholarships. You may not realize how important they are right now, but do them. Research and apply for as many as you can. College is expensive, which you have been told your whole life, but it's true... they aren't lying. So still enjoy high school and the friends you have there, but know that in college you will meet some amazing friends and to apply for scholarships. If you don't have the money it gets harder to go back to the place you will soon call home.
Love, College Sophomore Kaitlyn
I would say cherish every minute and do not slack off in school. I use to slack and this caused me to get further behind in school. In high school I never took upper advanced math classes. Thse upper advanced math classes in statistics, calculus. Taking these classes in high school would have helped me know better what to expect in college.
The other advise I have is that books are a great learing tool in understanding the material. Not just to be put on a shelf and gather dust.
I would tell myself that grades matter. Work hard and the relationships that you think matter don't, but school does.
Administrative laws, these deal with decisions by ministers, public bodies and civil servents and how they can be challenged. Obligation, is the duty one is bound to perform or suffer for not performing. Be objective, independent of anyone's individual point of view. Test and prove often to show the long-term ownership of yourself.
Prepare, prepare, prepare!!! I wish more than anything I would've taken the time to sit down and really map out my time at Idaho state. Although the staff here helped immensely when deciding how I should go about things.
The advice I would share with myself would be to work harder and push myself in High School to get a good education and good GPA. I would also tell myself to focus and get things done on time and to the best of my ability. Being social was fun but when it comes to getting a good education then focus and do your school work and get it all done and then continue having fun with friends.
When I began attending College I had taken a year off due to some difficulties in high school. At this point, I had reservations about school altogether and had hoped the break would help me find my passion for learning again. If I could go back and do it over, I believe that I would tell myself not to take a year off but immediately enroll in college. I found it very difficult to sit in a classroom after so much down time. College also gives people socialization and a sense of accomplishment, which is its own motivator. I now find myself a year behind where I could have been, which is frustrating when compared to the year of free time I barely got anything out of.
I would tell myself to save my money. Any money I make needs to go into a savings account and be saved for school. I would tell myself to get a credit card and build credit so I could get a loan for college. I would say that the time spent to find cheaper books is always worth it in the end. My high school self also needs to know that the transition to new teachers who are foreign is difficult and you need to work that much harder to get a good grade in that class. Time needs to be spent every night studying and preparing for class the next day or being successful will be a very difficult task.
The advice i would give myself as a high school student, is, focus on my studies and do my best in all of my classes, and put forth the effort instead of playing around and not trying. I have three kids with a G.E.D. I i had known then waht i know now I would have a high school diploma, and be working towards my RN degree. I regret not working hard and slacking in high school, because it does not only affect me, it affects my chidren also.