Houston Community College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Houston Community College know before they start?


Go with your heart. I was told that over and over in the college application and selection process, but still went with my second choice due to my family's wishes. My heart was right, I should have gone with my first choice. After not completing my degree at the university I attended straight out of high school and taking a break from school, I am having to take the long road around to attend what was my original first choice. So, my advice to my old self or anyone else making the transition, just go with your heart.


I would tell my self to work harder in school to make sure i get into a good school and get scholarchips wich would come in very helpfull when paying for college.


If I could go back in time as a high school senior I would change many things. Many adults tell seniors that if you work hard and get good grades, you can get many scholarships. Not only should you work hard at school and be involved in extracurricular activities, but take a step further. Yes scholarships are out there, but you're not going to get letters offering you money, you have to apply to them, not just a couple, as many as you can. Yes it is senior year, the time of your life, but if you would have taken time to fill them out maybe you wouldn't have had to take out loans and use your disabled mother as a cosigner at a bank. Procrastination is your enemy, don't wait till the end when all the money is gone and used up, fill out scholarships and look for grants. Do not be afraid of your guidance counselor for she is the one who holds the key to your future.


Maria, although it may seem like college will be a piece of cake; it isn't! It is important that you focus on your goal and don't loose sight of what motivates you and keeps you going. Choose your friends wisely and take advantage of all the blessings God has given you. Keep your expectations high and do not settle for less than you deserve. Instead of taking out loans try to apply for more scholarships. Do NOT procrastinate that will only bring bad grades. Keep in mind this is not high school. Do not stop working out because it is a great stress killer. Take care of yourself and love yourself so that any heart breaker who comes along wont affect your life or your studies. Keep on smiling and tighten up your seat belt because you are heading for a bumpy ride. Don't worry it will all be ok. God is in control. Good luck!


I would go back and prepare myself for just the work itself. I would have told myself that I must be way more alert in class. Also that you can not miss alot of class because you can be put out.


Chris, you need to study hard and go out and get all the help that you can get from who you can get it from. Don't wait for the last minute get started now while you have time and be sure to get all ther applications in for scholoarships and colleges before you get out of high school. Decide what you are going to pursue for a career and be prepared to face alot of decision making and budgeting for you and your family and be prepared to make a living for yourself and the ones that supported u with the career you pursue.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advise myself to complete my core classes first and never stop taking classes, even if I only take one class per semester, keep going until you graduate no matter how long it takes!


If i were to go back in time as a high school senior, an important advice i would give myself would be to take more upper level clases. The content of these classes can be similar to a college level class in which you have to read and commprehend the course material before hand, while also reading a book outside from the course materials. Those upper level courses could have laid a stronger foundation and made the first years of college smoother. Another advise i would give myself would be to have done more volunteering opportunities in different fields so that could have made me get an idea of what career i would be interested in.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself when I was senior in high school there are a lot of things I would tell myself. I would start off with making sure I understood how capable I am, and how much potential I have to really make it in the college world. I would tell myself to make sure I do as much as I possibly can to start developing myself for my future responsibilities. I would also let myself know that it's not an easy task and that I'm going to need to be completely focused and sure about what direction I want and need to go in, in order for me to be successful.


For starters, don't wait to attend college it is not as hard and expensive as everyone makes it seem. You have to know that there is help out there. One of the reasons I waited so long to attend was because I was ignorant of how much help is truly available to assist you for college. And no you don't have to have the perfect GPA either. There are many scholarships, and lots of financial aid available. Don't put off your future, and don't use the excuse of working for a little while to save up money to go, because before you know it time will pass, and you might never get the oppurtunity. The second reason is just because you're a single parent is no excuse to procrastinate either. Learn to priorotize your responsibilities so you can make a better life not only for yourself, but your family as well. College is a truly great experience that you will not want to miss out on!