Houston Community College Top Questions

What are the academics like at Houston Community College?


Dance ??


good. tutorials begin basic and then become more complex as you progress, no getting left behind and definately no option for failure


Academics get students ready to compete in the real world and provide adequate knowledge to be successful on a career path. Tips: Media awareness, academic social networking, study skills, reading reviews, and connecting with employment.


1. Yes. 2. Programming is favorite, Calculus is least favorite. 3. I dedicate myself to it, but many are known for not doing it at all. 4. Participation decreases significantly after the first day of class. 5. Yes, we even have a Chess Club. 6. Yes. Honors societies drive competition, and we have quite a few of them on campus. 7. I have only taken a few classes, so I will wait before making a define opinion for that question. 8. I study Computer Science, and our labs are top notch. 9. Not really, no. 10. Same as I feel with all other colleges: outraged I have to take Calculus. 11. It depends on which classes you take.