Hope College Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had been aware of the disadvantages to learning in a non-diverse envrionemnt . The student body here is extremely white, upper-middle class. Diversity was not a priority in my selection of a school, and I regret not prioritizing that for my educational experience. At Hope College, you have to explore off-campus activities to engage with a diverse crowd. The faculty, however, is extremely diverse and amazing. I have yet to be disappointed with a Hope professor after 3 years. I also wish I had chosen a less expensive schoool.


I wish I had known about the encouraging attitude of the community here. In general, the students love to get to know each other and build each other up. If I had known that, I would have been less afraid to get involved in student activities.


I feel as though I was very well educated as to what the expectations were within the college and what I should expect. I do wish that I was able to have more of an understanding of how much the college course studies would take over my life and leave little time for actually socializing but I suppose that is very normal in any college situation.


I wish I had been offered a class that would help with my transition into college. My professors challenged me and pushed me to do my best, but I struggled with organization and prioritizing my responsibilities. It took a couple of semesters for me to found out how I studied well and the best way to take notes and how to handle to drastic increase in the pace of a college class compared to high school. It would have been helpful to know organizationals skills for college prior to Freshman year.


i wish that i would have known more about the greek programs. this school isn't very big with greek and i would have like to have gotten more information on it before i came here rather then when im already here


Something I wish I had known before coming to Hope would probably just be the layout of the campus, I had never visited or anything before and was pleasantly surprised with how nice the whole campus is.




How cold it was during the Winter months. It's not bad once you get used to it and been here for a while.


I wish I had been better acquainted with the school in general. I felt like the students from local high schools had kind of a leg up on me at first.


How helpful and friendly professors are. I would have made connections with professors a lot earlier in my college career.