Hope College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Hope College know before they start?


To me, the most important thing was finding a place that fits you. As great as a school may be, you will be miserable if it is not right for you.


Choose Hope!


Many students may regret their decision and transfer to a different college, others may be perfectly content with their decision and stay all four years, and then there is the group of students who are unhappy with their decision and stay at a college that they don't feel they belong. The worst would be an unhappy student who simply stays at their college, whether it be due to financial, academic, or social reasons. In order to truly make the most of ones college experience, finding the right college is key and it is not always so easy to do. Visiting the school and perhaps doing an overnight visit is one of the best ways to "feel" out a college. This gives the student a sneak peek of what student life is like at that school and how they would fit in there. Other ways to find the right college are to weigh out the pros and cons of each based on the field of interest, general academics, extracurricular activities, and of course, financial aid. The decision should NEVER be made solely on one of these areas because many things can change in college, such as majors and financial aid.


Let God direct you to the right path.


Visit, tour, and ask questions from real students. That is what helped most for me. Consider a lot of schools, and start thinking early! Also, search places you may not have considered at first, and not just places where your friends might be looking. Consider social AND academic aspects of the school. There is no use going to a school that doesn't have the major you're looking for, but there is also no reason you can't find a school where you will have a good time too. Remember, wherever you end up, you will almost surely be able to find friends, groups, activities, and classes for you. The college decision is probably one of the hardest you've had to make, but your experience anywhere will be, overall, what you make of it.


Make sure you're somewhere where you'll be comfortable and get a good education. A lot of people make the mistake of going to somewhere that has a good name but aren't happy there. It's important to get a good education, but in order for that to happen, you have to be happy where you are. I always heard that college was about figuring out who you are - I think that's true too. You want to not only learn material in whatever major you choose, but also understand yourself better and challenge yourself to grow. That sounds corny, but if you're exactly how you left high school when you leave college without understanding why, then you probably wasted a few years of your life. Go where you'll have good professors who care about you, good support services, and again, where you can explore different options and be comfortable in your skin. And if you can, particiapte in study abroad programs if you've never lived abroad - it's amazing. Do an overnight at any prospective college too, so you can get a feel for where you might spend the next four years.


My best advice I can give about selecting the right college for you is to visit and stay overnight if possible. You need to experience it personally to know if it fits, and decide is it the right school for you? Also very few people actually stick with their first major, so look to see what courses they offer and be sure that if you change your mind about one major they offer another that you are interested in so that you can stay at the same school just switch your major. Making the most of your college experience means getting involved. Remember that college is the time where you get to redefine yourself. The high school stereotype of yourself is gone, you have been given the chance to be whoever you want. Go out, be adventurous, try things you normally wouldn't, talk with people that you normally wouldn't. Go to sporting events, go to the coffee house and see who you meet. Making college the best experience ever involves you taking a step outside your norm and being outgoing, meeting new people, and making new friends. Build memories to tell your children.


Bring a lot of money!


Get involved and be friends with your professors.


The critical goal is to find the college that encourages you to grow and develop. In the college serach, it's important to stay focused on what is best for you, not your buddies, or attending the 'popular' university. To make most of the college experience, you want to attend a college located in a community that will support you and your career and personal goals. You will want to find a place to call home that allows you to spread your wings and encourages you to try new things, to overcome the fear of the unknown, and let's you fly away to new heights. This is the place where you will meet future lilfelong friends. It's important to embrace the new and have the support of the community to risk new adventures. Find the college or university that calls your name and will take you to new heights.