Hope College Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Hope College?


Those who are liberal or do not have a strong religous faith.


The Hope college student should be motivated not only in the classroom but also in campus activities and clubs. There is always something going on at Hope so the student should know when they need to study and when they can participate in other activites. A Hope student needs to be vocal and not afraid to voice there opinions. Many students have the same political, religious, view, ect. so being able to confidently express your views is imparitive. The Hope student is motivated, vocal, hard-working, and involved.


Atheists, people who are pretty liberal-minded, and people who live same sex lifestyles. Not that these people are not welcome, they are just not generally accepted.


A person who barly got by in high school. also students that can be seen as a loner seam to not have a very good time here b/c everyone is very friendly


A person who is liberal in their views, and who needs a diverse environment.


Someone who is reserved and keeps to themself. Also, if you have no respect for Christianity, don't attend Hope.


A person that is not religious should not attend here in my opinion. The religious following is such a great amount and the person might be left out, but also that just might be the reason for them to attend.


Someone who is looking to go to a big school, and party every night of the week.