Hood College Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?




I wish that I would have known how small the campus was before I came to this school.


I wish I had kown all the core requirements for every major.


How relationships would change between high school friends


I wish I had known that college wasn't going to have the kind of students and rigor I expected. I expected students to be extremely serious about education, instead I found kids who seem to believe that education is just another step they are forced to take before they can get a job. I expected students to be exhibit intellectual curiousity, instead I found kids who rarely question anything.


I wish I had been better advised about potential career challenges in the major I chose.


I wished I had known the male:female ratio before I came, since this school use to be all girls.


I wish I knew my cousin's address in Frederick.


If you are looking to go to a school with school spirit and sporting events and the "college experience", Hood is not the school for you. Hood has a great name for itself and sounds very good when mentioned. I feel like I learn a lot and the professors are very well accomplished in their fields. I think Hood is an amazing academic school. But if you want to tailgate for events, join sororities/fraternities, join well known clubs, etc.. Hood is not the place. They focus on their academics, not their social calander.


That there are no fraternaties or sororities. I really wanted to join one and that was the only thing I forgot to ask and was not mentioned in the brochure of the college. The Dean of Students feels like allowing such organizations will cause a divsion amongst the students.