They are all very nice and tend to interact with eachother right away, even if no one has met before.
My classmates do not show up for class.
They are all either Italian or Jewish. Many are only at Hofstra because college is just something everyone does after high school.
My classmates are very school and career oriented, but still like to enjoy their time at college and have a good time.
Typical Long Island students, but some are very focused, and others aren't so much. It's just like an average class.
Most students are from a wealthy background and drive their BMW's and Mercedes' that their daddy's bought them. I deal with the "normal" people at Hofstra who are down to Earth and do not show how wealthy they are. You can find people who are really great friends and people. Most of the people in the TV department are nice people and I get along with them. Most of the students are from Long Island and they do carry out that stereotypical Long Island mind set of Jager Bombs.
I think that many diverse groups of students are represented on campus. I don't really think that anyone should feel out of place here at Hofstra because there are so many different groups of people. I mean, if you were to say that you felt out of place, I'm sure that everyone here could identify with the reasons you give, because with such a diverse population, there are enough differences between people that it's difficult to find a group of people with identical traits and interests. There is a big divide in the student body between students involved in "Greek Life" (Fraternities and Sororities) and everyone else, because students involved in Greek Life generally consider themselves better than everyone else. The exception is students involved in departmental honors fraternities.
the student body at hofstra is very diverse
I can't really say i have had a lot of experiences with other people considering that i am a commuter student, but i am sure when living on campus that it is much easier to meet new people and learn about different cultures. I believe an introvert person would feel out of place because a lot of people at hofstra are extroverted and outgoing, you need to be able to talk and have an outgoing personality to meet people and gain friends.
I've found that most students here lean more to the left of the political spectrum. Since I am also a Democrat, I don't feel out numbered, but I think it might be interesting to have conflicting ideas with someone once in a while to liven up conversation. This seems to be more of an issue lately because of the upcoming presidential debates next year.