I made great choices throughout high school because I had an older brother who went through the college process years before me. However, I would of abused the dual enrollment a little bit more to transfer more credit hours to college. If you start taking general college courses during high school, you can practically skip your freshman year of college and jump right into your major courses. When you transfer almost a semester of credit hours, you are saving thousands of dollars in extra tuition. I will be graduating in 7 semesters because of a couple courses I took during my senior year, but if I took more the years prior, I would have been part of the 2012 graduating class instead of 2013. Take as many college courses as you can while in high school because the public school system pays for everything and it counts towards college!
If I could travel back in time,
To senior year, 2009;
I?d give myself a brief preview,
College lessons,
I?d name a few:
The transition you know,
Isn?t all that bad.
Stressin???no need!
What an overrated fad.
Make your way to the Target,
Just down the road.
And Bed, Bath and Beyond,
For a mattress-top of foam.
(Believe me, you?ll want one,
College beds aren?t that great.
Go get one,
You?ll love it,
Don?t wait!)
Now having a roommate,
Is an experience anew.
Meet?at least talk,
Before the big move.
She?s probably cool,
You could be destined best friends;
But prepare for the worst,
Know your clothes you will lend.
Of all the places on campus,
There?s one danger zone.
It goes by the ?caf,"
Don?t make this your home.
You?ll pack on the pounds,
With its pizza of cheese;
Stir fry buffet,
And endless ice cream.
Hike to the gym,
And hit the treadmill.
Sign up for aerobics,
The weight room?s a thrill.
As you head off,
And wave goodbye to the fam,
Know you will see them,
On your brand new webcam!
As a high school student, I had no idea what to expect leaving my home and being submerged into a completely different envrionment with new faces. Knowing what I do now, I would have told myself to get used to being outgoing, so that meeting people would be easier. I also would have changed my study habits as a senior because in college, the schoolwork is more independent, and studying is a crucial part in succeeding in college. Good grades came easy to me in high school but I know now that I need to work harder in order to get those good grades. One of the most difficult times in high school came with friends and being taken advantage of. If I could go back, I would tell myself not to fret over people that hurt me, because there are people that you're going to meet in the future that care. I wish I knew that in high school, so that I would not have been so hurt by my peers, but my best friend and roommate in college has shown me to onlyl eave room for those who care rather than the ones that cause tears.
Looking back to my senior year in high school I realized that I often allowed myself to get sidetracked and distracted. Were I able to go back in time I would encourage myself to stay focused towards my goals and not let anything come between them and the future I see for myself. As an accomplished dancer I limited myself to only one of my gifts instead of exploring my other talents. Now in the Interior Design major at High Point University I realize that I should have pursued my artistic talents as well. This would have enabled me to become a little bit more advanced in the areas of my studies. I would go back and say "Imani, you have so much to offer your high school become more active and don't allow yourself to become boxed in to one niche." Again I would remind myself that this time of single-minded focus, experience and academic diligence will prepare me to arrive on that university campus and "soar with the eagles".
I wouldl tell myself to study more in high school. I never needed to study for school, but when i got to college I had no choice but to study. Studying paid off because I made deans list, but if I prepared more in high school the transistion would have been smoother. Also, i would remind myself to be yourself and not change who you are for other people.
I would encourage myself to look at several other schools with a much broader range of characteristics in terms of size and population make-up. I would also encourage myself to apply to a lot more scholarships as financial constraints seriously damage ones time at college due to the forced uptake of outside jobs. Furthermore, I would emphasize Greek Life more in an attempt to broaden my opinion of the Greek society as well as expand my social network which would, undoubtadly, have altered my opinions of the school overall. Moreover, I would have pursued many more out of school research and internships as this school seems to be largely lacking in that area.
Ever since I was nine, I always knew i wanted to go away to college. I always was independent and ready for the world. I'm from the north and I go to a school in the south. I found out a lot of things in my first year of college that i wish i new. I would tell myself that everyone was brought up differently than you, and a lot of people that go to college are still immature and live off of their mommy and daddy. I was shocked to find out how many people are really fake and try to hard to fit in with everyone else. I would tell myself to always stay true to yourself and never try to please anyone that doesn't want to be your friend. The last thing I would tell myself would be to never take anything you have for granted because when you look around, you go to an amazing school and a lot of people at High Point University forget that.
College is about learning, not just in the classroom, but about yourself, too. Take time to try things you never have before, and talk to people you normally might not have. It can give you a perspective you never would have known. I think the college atmosphere is important to achieving this. You're away from home, your family, and friends, so there's no reason to fall into the same routine. College gives you a clean slate to be an individual and gain insight from diverse people. It teaches you to think more openly. While it's important to appreciate the unique qualities you have, it's also important to bond with others over what you have in common. We're all here to become more intellectual, experienced, and prepared to achieve success. So, have fun, and make your time worth it.
If I had the opportunity to go back in time, knowing what I know now about college, I would advise myself to stay focused on school no matter what. In the beginning of the school year it?s easy for freshmen college students to become tempted into making all the wrong choices; such as drinking, smoking, missing classes, etc. Students think that a little ?fun? won?t hurt , but this type of ?fun? is anything but beneficial. If I could go back in time I would warn myself not to be easily tempted and I would tell myself that there are many other options for having fun that won?t hurt my academics and life. College is no joke and instead of wasting my time doing pointless things that won?t benefit my future I would advise myself to get involved in various clubs that my campus offers instead of wasting time with other shenanigans. I would have also advised myself to make a plan that balances out school work first since stress isn?t something I like to be faced with. And most importantly i would have advised myself to relax and make time for myself.
If I had to describe my attitude as a high school senior in one word it would be overconfident. I was always in a state of drifting loftily at the top of my class and I was unaccustomed to having to put forth effort for my high grades. Because of this, I never truly developed study skills and as far as I was concerned I would not need them. I predicted college to be an improvement over challenge of high school but I failed to see where any concern was necessary. If I could talk to that me I would suggest learning how to study effectively and manage time. I would also tell her to start keeping up with her own affairs instead of leaving everything to her mother that way when she did get to college she could stay on top of financial aid changes and paperwork. Finally I would have cautioned her against excessive spending and suggested that she save money for surprise expenses. If I could have warned myself ahead of time I might not have stressed so much but life is a lesson we each must learn.