Harvard University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Harvard University?


Amazing professors and th opportunities it gives me


My own sucesses in the face of personal adversity.


Great academics, professors, really smart students


huge talent of the student body with many diverse skills and experiences


Just saying "HARVARD" is enough. That says it all. That and my fraternal club and it's history.


The resources.. I can meet almost anyone from the most amazing alumni network in the world, connect with the leading professors in their fields, and be around students who will be the leaders of the world. Plus, the school has tons of money, and any time I've had some sort of idea to do something, they've been there to support me. Whether that be travel to Asia to learn about urban development for Spring Break or get money to do research for my thesis, they are always willing to support me.


The extracurriculars are EXCELLENT! Because of them, I have taken three trips to China, will be going to Seoul this spring, have practiced kung fu with international gold medalists, have eaten dinner with Jet Li, and have gone to the Beijing Olympics. They are like miniature businesses and second to none in my experience.


the Lampoon


our enormous libraries and famous professors


how much money Harvard has