Guilford College Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Guilford College?


Dealing with administration.


The small-mindedness of staff members when dealing with "racial" issues.


The cliquiness of the social environment - everyone seems to have a circle of five or so people with whom they spend most of their time. People outside of one's circle are difficult to approach and hard to spend time with. It is very high-schoolish. Also, the school has recently been on an athletics kick, at the expense of academics and, to my mind, the social atmosphere. There is a very distinct athlete/non-athlete divide. The bros, the conservative varsity players, never say a word to non-athletes, and vice-versa.


The most frustraiting thing about Guilford is receiving your first grades. It can be difficult to get low grades at the begining, but continue to work and you'll feel better as you improve.


The fact that the administration wants to remove the college from the list of "Colleges that Change lives" because they don't want to attract students that need their lives changed.


Guilford College was once a college that focused on Quaker values but has become a college envious of mainstream universities over the last few years. It was once a sancuary for the inner-hippie but has created a very fine divide between the liberal hippie and the new athlete but boosting funds in the athletic department. Their is a very definite clash of values.