Stop panicing, stop fretting over everything-- you will graduate and you will be accepted into college. Financial advisors will help you with the money troubles: the college much rather set up a payment plan than lose a student. Do not cry and get sick over not passing the AP English exam, as wrong as you think the graders were. The English 102 class you take will change your way of thinking for the better and you will not regret it. Do not be afraid to get involved in clubs and meet people-- they too will be uplifting.
The classes will not be easy, but do not slack on them. Yes, you can do minimal work and still make a B, but do push yourself for those A's-- the scholarship requires only a 3.0, but making the dean's list is exciting and worth the work. You will enjoy the research papers and journal finders. Continue studying in French and know there are more classes that satisfy the biology requirement (like baking!) that do not require you to disect animals.
Calm down and enjoy the experience. Accept the trials and learn from them, but do not panic.
College is not impossible and there are many ways to pay for school without burdening your family. The college offers many ways to help ease into college life and offers transition courses. The class sizes are small, which enables you to interact more with other students and your professors. Education does not come easy and you must be willing to apply yourself and be open to learning. College is not just for partying and being free from adult supervision, it is an opportunity to expand and build your horizons. It helps you to question things that go on around you instead of just going along with the general concensus. College expands your ability to reasearch and locate different sources of information on a wide variety of topics. It teaches you to focus more and be open to different styles of learning. But most importantly it teaches you that you are capable of doing anything you want to do in life and shows you many different avenues for obtaining your goals. It also teaches you to believe in yourself, causes you to gain self-confidence and gives you the tools you need to work toward a future filled with unlimited possibilities.
If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to not allow high school relationships dictate the decision to attend college or not. Now that I finally made the decision to go back, I would tell my high school self to study more and develop stronger studying skills.
When you go to college, leave home with one objective in mind: To Become More. Guilford College will give you all of the tools you need to explore, create, and learn. They'll open your eyes to various perspectives and ideologies, give you opportunities to research and write about real-world issues, and allot you the freedom to solve those problems in innovative and thoughtful ways. You will soon find that college is the perfect environment to discover things about yourself that you admire and will want to fine tune, as well as flaws that you may want to improve upon. It is at college that you will grow into a strong, intelligent, caring woman, capable of accomplishing great things and helping to improve the lives of many. But it is now, right at this moment, in the final stretch of your high school career, that you must look in the mirror as ask who it is you want to be. There is no moment like the present. Your journey to "Become More" begins with you. Today. I hope you enjoy every minute and never cease to explore.
The first thing I would say is that it is very important that you don't loose your focus and that you realize the choices you make today effect your life tomorrow. I think it's easy to get caught up in the fun of college and being on your own away from home. It's ok to have fun and enjoy college as long as you realize the real reason you're there which is to get an education. It is also very important to do well in your classes by studying hard and applying yourself so that you can have a high GPA. When your grades are high then that opens the doors for opportunities and scholorships that you wouldn't have without the good grades. It's not just about good grades because you have to apply yourself and the knowledge you're learning as well. Learn to think for yourself and learn how to form educated opinions about issues rather than memorizing or saying what someone else thinks about things. And last but not least I would say don't miss opportuities and don't burn your bridges for you do not know what tomorrow holds.
If i could go back and advise myself I would tell myself to be encouraged and dont give up. College is is a great experience and a opprotunity to learn new things, new people, and grow as and individual. You have to stay focused and remember that it is ok to have fun but make sure you can balance that with the your work load. Be open to new ideas, be mindful that everyone is different and respect the diversity. You can do anything you want to if you put your mind to it.
Assuming if i go back in time to my senior year of high school there are a lists of things i would tell myself about college life. First i would tell myself that while i am still in High school i should take more activities that would benefit me in college. Then i would tell myself to contiue to work on writing essays and to understand all the fundamentals to writing. I would also say become more athletic so i could join a sport team in college. In high school i was to myself and didnt like to hang out and get to know alot of people so in college i would want to become more and get involved in more activites. I would also tell myself to work hard and dont give up on my dreams, and to not become discourage if a class is too hard and ask for help if i need it. i would also help others as much as i can to achieve their goals as well as volunteering my time to others. I would also tell myself to ask for help if i dont understand something there is no same in asking for help.
Ali, now is not the time to relax; college isn't what you think. You will have to work four times as hard and you definitely need to learn how to manage your priorities and time. Also, spending time with friends and your boyfriend shouldn't consume your life. You need to focus on keeping your grades up, try to get a steady job, and learn to open yourself up to meeting new people. Try to make the best of this experience you're about to have and get involved! Do your best, but have fun and be positive!
First off, enjoy the moment. Take the whole school experience in and take advantage of everything you can. Work hard for that degree and appreciate the degree as much as the effort it takes to get it. Do not take anything for granted. Work hard EVERYDAY. Makee new friends and have new experiences. Be yourself.
Michael, college is going to be a very difficult transition and one which will humble you greatly. Do not seek to satisfy people or make decisions that you would not want to share with everyone. The college you are attending will feel as the wrong choice for the reasons you are going. Baseball will not work out as you hope it will; the girls and parties are not what you envisioned, you are no longer cool and loved by most of the people you see on a daily basis, the work load is incredible, and most people have a different opinion as to how we all should live, professors included. However, attending this college is the best decision you could have made. You will make it through hard times and learn what you are capable of; you will meet great people on and off campus. Most importantly, you will learn to live for Jesus Christ. You will understand what this relationship you have means and find others that feel the same way. You will learn how to interact with others and mature greatly. While the times are going to be tough, you will not regret this decision. Good Luck! -Mike