Grinnell College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Grinnell College?


independent, liberal, open minded


grinnell is drug friendly, gay, radical, isolated, elite.


The students are a bunch of smart, rich, pot-smoking liberals. The campus is in the middle of nowhere.


Hippy, liberal


Hippies, nonmainstream, progressive, politically radical


Some stereotypes include: - Many people divide Grinnell students into two groups: the athletes and the hippies. - Grinnell students are super liberal - Grinnell students aren't always as social as other students from other school - Grinnell is academic - "work hard, party hard"


Grinnellians work hard and play hard. They also think about the bigger picture and making the world a better place.


They say jocks live on north campus, artsy types live on south campus, and the two don't ever mix. We work hard and party harder--the drinking never stops. We're all liberal hippies.


Some stereotypes: football players are jerks. Athletes are dumber compared to the rest of the student body.


When I first came here I thought that everyone would be ridiculously smart and artsy, and that the amount of homework would be extrememly overwhelming. Also, Grinnell has the reputation of being an extrememly relaxed campus where the students govern themselves.