Grinnell College Top Questions

What are your classes like?


Most classes are small, with fewer than 20 students. Intro courses sometimes have more than that, around 30 or 35, but once you get into the higher level courses it'll decrease significantly. My French 313 class this semester had only 12 students! Most courses are discussion-based, so participation is a big portion of your final grade. The upside to this is that professors really get to know you and your strengths and weaknesses as the class progresses.


Several students talk about how they study for exams, write essays, and destress during midsemester finals/finals week


Mattie Clay Brown '08 describes her science experience at Grinnell College, which provided a strong foundation for her educational philosophy as a member of Teach For America in Leland, MS.


Zach Newman '08 talks about his development as a scientist during his groundbreaking research on endocannabinoids, conducted under the guidance of Professor of Biology Clark Lindgren at Grinnell Co...