Greenville College Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I would have known the importance of community. That way I would have got more involved in activities my freshman year.


Think early. Though the school is very generous with their time and advice, waiting til the last minute to get everything in order just creates a lot of unnecessary stress on yourself, and the people around you who want to see you succeed. Take advantage of the social events. They're all safe and geared toward you meeting people around you, outside of the classroom.


I really wish I would have known exactly how different college is from high school. I don't think I was prepared for the amount of homework and the wide range of subjects I would be taking. I also wish I would have known exactly what majors were offered and had researched which one would be best suited for me. Another thing I didn't know before coming to college was what it was like living in a dorm. I don't mind it now, but at first it seemed very strange.


I wish that I knew that I could double major, that way I will have a back up plan in case my major falls short.


I wish that I had known how much takin the SAT's again would have helped.


Before I came to Greenville College the one thing I wish I would have known was that studying is important. I was the student in high school that never studied and still made my parents happy with my report card. This was because my only motivation for succeeding was their approval. Because of this my drive was at a minimum. My first year of college was like a slap in the face. If I didn't study, it showed. Luckily I have disciplined myself to prepare for classes and found motivation within myself to succeed.


I wish I had known that I would lose my scholarships my sophmore year.


Before coming to Greenville, I wish I would have known a little bit more about their COR program. This particular program is a series of religious studies classes which are mandatory general education requirements for graduation. Many students find them enlightening and thought-provoking, but others find them to be a waste of time and effort. Prospective students: Discuss these classes with a senior.


I wish I would of known that this school was more of a musical and education based college. That at Greenville there wasn't much money donated toward the Science based fields or athletics.


I wish that I had known what the music program at Greenville was actually like. I had one thing in mind, but when I arrived on campus and started the program, I found it to be completely different than I thought it was going to bed. It wasn't different in a bad way necessarily; it just wasn't what I was expecting.