When I tell my friends about my school, I definitely brag about the fact that I have smaller classes than many of my friends in larger universities with packed lecture halls. I also brag about the fact that we have an underground bowling alley and that our anatomy and physiology classes get cadavers where other schools don't because of size constraints.
My school is just simply remarkable! Not only it is good academically, but it is also a Christian school. It has not only allowed me grow academically, but strengthened my Christian faith more. GCU has ultimately guided me in the right path of life with the spirit of God along my side. The faculty and students emphasize the Christian faith into everything they do and that is what i love about GCU. Everyone is just so nice and friendly, and no matter what happens, you know that someone will always be there for you.
Grand Canyon University has excellent councelors who really know how to answer questions and do their best to help you in every way possible. I love being here! The teachers know who I am , I feel safe, and I know that I am gaining a qualiy education.
Everyone at my school is so nice. I feel like I am in a different world when I and there. Everyone smiles at everyone, holds the door for everyone, says hi and includes everyone. When I leave campus I feel like I am entering into a more harsh and cruel world! I love it at GCU!
What I brag about most when I share my school (GCU) with others is this, their unconditional concern to help us get to graduation day. Although I am looking at a possible two more years (not including this year), I can honestly say from the first day I spoke to my academic counselor (Mrs. Loriann) I felt like I was going to make it to the end. I felt like this because in the very beginning she (along with the other on-line supportive staff) made it the personal business to contact me and make sure they helped me.
The staff, academic counselors, and enrollment counselors are wonderful communicators and helpful in all questions I have regarding attending GCU.
I brag about being in small class sizes as well as being able to have teachers that care about the students.
It would have to be how much I feel like I am being challenged there. I'm the kind of person who needs to be acedemically challenged and I love that this school does just that without making me feel like I'm drowning. I also love how close the campus is, between the placment of the buildings and the closness of the individuals there. It's the perfect place for me.
How everyone is extremely helpful. GCU is built to where no one should fail. The classes are perfect for anyones schedule and the teachers and staff make sure no one gets lost.
Student oriented, lots of spirit, great education benefits, tons of opportunities for work, atheltics, friendships and other extra curricular activities, great professors, great students, feeling of being safe on campus, feels like one big family.