Always be sure that you educate yourself on every topic, including drugs and alcohol. I've seen far too many people believe in theories rather than learning about topics that concern them. Once you educate yourself you can make an informed decision- this applies to all problems.
Go to the school and spend time with current students. Are these students happy? Are they challenged? Is their field of study applicable to the real world yet classroom and information based as well? Do they know what kind of services are available on campus? Do they know their Resident Assistant (or whatever name they go by)? Do they have contact with the school president and their professors? What shows and/or speakers have they seen on campus?
By asking these questions, it is possible to more fully understand what life on that campus is like. The more students know, the more likely it is that those paid to be at the college care for those who pay to be at the college. This is an atmosphere that one wants to learn, grow, and thrive in. And most importantly, ask the students if they are making the most of their college experience. If they are not, why not? If they are, what is it about the place they are studying at that makes that possible? The bottomline is to ask a lot of questions and they follow your heart.
Make sure you take as much time as you need to find the right school. It's awful transferring all around until you find the right place.
Find a school that you feel comfortable in, especially if you're living on campus or in the area. Also, make sure the school has the feild of study that you are interested in. During college, remember that you are paying for this education so make the most out of your time there, especially your academics (but also take time to relax). College isn't supposed to be a constant social event. Prioritize and do your best NOT to procrastinate, plan ahead; a day planner is an extremely helpful tool. Make good connections with your professors and advisors, they are there to help you so don't be shy. Always ask if you need help or an extension on an assignment.
Just think about all of the things you are looking for in a collge. The college books are great.
Visit as many colleges as you can and talk to the students to see how they feel about the school. Every school is going to have its downsides so you need to figure out which factors are the most important to you. Good luck!
College is a match to be made, not a prize to be won.
When you choose your college you need to find the place that fits with you. The best way to do this is to go with your instinct. You can know in your heart when you step onto the right college. It feels like it fits, like you are home, even when you have not seen a class or met many people; when you walk around you feel like you are where you need to be. Never ignore that feeling because that is what is right for you. Once you find the right college to make it work you should meet as many people as possible because you never know when a wonderful opportunity will present itself in the form of a close friendship, an amazing class, or a job. Just take opportunities as they come and be grateful for the chance to go to school.
I would tell students that they just need to go with what feels right, where they feel comfortable. Take your time and explore a number of options, colleges in various locations or varying size. It is important to be informed about what is out there. Also, don't solely focus on colleges with the big names because there are a number of hidden gems out there. Relax and enjoy yourself, these are supposed to be the best years of your life. Take your work seriously, but don't forget to have fun!
I would tell students to tour the college , and to sit in on classes so they know what they're getting themselves into. I would also advise that a student be sure on the size preference, I've never met anyone more miserable than a student who wanted a big school at a small one, and vice versa. I would additionally reccomend that students look into financial aid and scholorships, because they may realize that the private school they wish to attend isnt as expensive as they thought,.