Goucher College Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Goucher College? Why?


The cost of the school - it's expensive but worth it.


Plain and simple, the price. Goucher is a private liberal arts school and such costs $50,000+ to attend for an entire year. Even on a large scholarship it is difficult to afford going to this school and I am told that each year the price continues to go up. It is a very difficult school to afford.


I think the worst thing about my school is the cost. Even with a lot of financial Aid, there are still a lot that is not covered.


The worst thing about Goucher is that it gets to feel small after four years, but there are many oportunities to go off campus to other schools


Bureacracy when it come to the office of Residential Life. Awkward social settings on weekends. Male:Female ratio tends to shift power.


Too expensive and too much beauracratic bullshit!


We need more housing. plain & simple. oh and classes to be offered more.