Goucher College Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Goucher College!


We're the happiest school (according to the US News)


There is a lot of freedom to be what you want to be and no be persecuted for being different. Everyone here is a bit quirky, but it makes for an interesting place.


You can always tell a Goucher student when you see him or her - we're creative, funky, liberal and really not afraid of expressing ourselves.


Goucher is the first school to ever require a study abroad experience in order to earn a grade. There are mandatory courses designed to make freshman interact and mingle. It is small, but it is a unique and beautiful campus. The art students hang their art from the trees, and the students are interesting people who care about making a difference in the world.


It is a place where you can be weird and still find friends. There are groups but they mix frequently. people here are open and friendly.