Gordon College Top Questions

Describe the students at Gordon College.


The classmates at Gordon are very mature and upbeat people who are always interested in helping you, in both school and your spiritual well being.


some friendly, some judgmental


Clicky; some are overly pompous, but others are friendly.


For the most part they are fun, friendly, morally sound, and mature beyond their years, but sometimes they fit the stereotype for a sheltered christian kid.


Gordon Students are kind, wlocoming students who have a shared faith in Christ.


My classmates here at Gordon College are committed to growing spiritually as well as academically while enjoying fun and edifying activities.


My classmates are driven, disciplined, fun-loving and passionate about making a difference right now and in the future.


My classmates are all committed Christians (my school is a non-denominational Christian college). I have many strong friends that I hope I will stay in touch with for the rest of my college life and beyond. My current roommate is my best friend and I get along well with the other guys on my floor. I know a lot of people at this small school and I recognize most anybody else. I believe that we are fundamentally connected as a community because of our devotion to God and I am pleased to know so many compellling and driven students.


Caring Christians who could be a little less high-strung in regards to schoolwork sometimes but overall are balanced people and enjoyable and valuable to be with


Everyone is super friendly, eager to have fun, willing to help, and passionate about their academics, social life, and living for Christ.