Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus Top Questions

What should every freshman at Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus know before they start?


There are so many tools in high school that the curriculum was trying to teach us. When I was going to high school I always had the feeling that I was forced to be there. I would go back and tell myself that the curriculum that I didn't like is preparing me for the future. I would say to myself that everything we're being taught, even if I didn't really know the purpose, is a part of a plan and it will make sense. I will tell myself that if I focus and try harder, it will make my life and my college experience easier. I also would say that I need to focus more in math classes because it is the base of the engineering classes I'm taking now. I would advice me to join some science club or association that will carry me through the transition from high school to college.


If I could go back in time and give advice to myself as a high school senior I would talk about the importance of individuality and not succumbing to peer pressure. In high school, all my friends were going to very prestigious colleges, but that was something I simply could not afford. To prepare myself for this challenge I would advise myself to be proud of my accomplishments, keep working hard, and to never give up even when my efforts seem worthless. I always worked towards going to a big 4-year university right away, but that did not happen for me. However, it did for all of my friends. This left me slightly lonely throughout my first year of college so I would tell myself to be open to making new friends and to focus on my future goals in school and my career. Also, I would tell myself to appreciate my family because they will always be there for you even when no one else is. Lastly, I would tell myself it's never to late to change your mind about a career, major, or really any other major decision. It takes time to find the right fit.


Josue utilize your knowledge and skills in subject matter that interest you to empower people in the community to use innovative technologies to help better their lives and future just like it helped you succeed so far. Your goal is to positively impact as many individuals as possible, to see them gain insight and demonstrate proficiency in their ability to utilize technologies available towards furthering their education. This is the key to furthering your education! Always be open to receive help from others and always help other get help. Demonstrate the importance of community and collaboration to others, and you will succeed in all your future endeavors.


Most people talk about time management being the most important thing, and they are right, but I going to about being grateful for the oppournity that I was given. Every morning when I walk to class I take a good look at the buildings and the trees. I think to my self what an awesome oppournity I have here. With that in mind, I went to every class, do all my home work, study late in the night, with the notion that this all might disapear if my parents ot hurt and was unable to sent me to college. I am also grateful that I am an in-state student, I talked to people from out of state whom paid twice as much as me to be in the same position as me. So what I am trying to say here is grateful and work hard, because other than that you can't really do much. I would tell myself to look up every once in a while, away from those books, and relized that the world is beauitful sight.


I would tell myself to get ready for the best experiences of my life., tell msyelf that a whole new journey awaits, something I would never have expected. That to achieve the goals I want to achieve I would have to work extremely hard to carve the road towards those goals. I would say that what awaits is an enriching experience filled with ups and downs; that sometimes I might hate what I'm going through and other times I will be unimaginably happy and satisfied. I would say that there is an inextricable relationship between being succesful at college and studying, loving your friends, and getting involved in your community. I would tell myself to get prepared for many nights of studying but would also assure that at the end of the year all of those nights would be completely worth it. I would tell myself to keep believing that it is better that in my angst to catch a hundred birds I can't reach, wings pop from my back, rather than just staying on the ground with only one bird in hand.


Assuming I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior. Knowing what I know about college life. I would advice myself to work harder; Therefore, join clubs, and high school activities, as also volunteer in the community. Such as sports, leadership, yearbook committee, elementary tutoring, and so on. College life also depends on being independent. In high school you can practice your indepence as for not always wait for your friends to join activities/programs. Go out there and meet new people, which can also help in knowing more stuff and get involved in the community. My second advice for myself is to study more. Being a high school senior you might think that your done with everything; However, it's just a start in a adult life. Yes, being a senior you get less homework, but when you start college you receive more homework. My third and final advice is to pay attention in all my classes, in order to achieve college requirements. This advice also, helps in not getting extra classes meaning not wasting money in un-needed courses.


I would tell myself to wait to have kids and move away with a friend and experience what college is really about.


My number one piece of advice to the high school-me is to take as many opportunities that come your way as possible. Life, these college years especially, are all about experience. It is important to do well academically of course, but it is the extra experiences that really round out a person's knowledge and competence in the real world. It isn't the stories of endless hours of lectures and studying that catch people's attention, it's those of the unique experiences that have helped make you who you are today. I personally think it is best to work very hard in the beginning of college so you aren't playing catch-up later and then in your later years you can really go out and experience the world as you are figuring out what to do after graduation. Really appreciate the opportunities that are presented to you and take nothing for granted while achieving your goals and figuring your life out. And of course, don't stress. If you are a hard-worker and adaptable, it all works out in the end.


I never graduated high school. Instead, I left school at a young age and went to work. After several years of working menial jobs, I knew that I wqanted more. The only way Iwould be successful without a formal education would be to own my own business - it takes money to make money. I went back, got my GED, started at a community college, and finally transferred to Georgia Tech. The road that I took was the hard one. If I could go back and talk to myself at that age, I would say, "Stay in school and do well." Becuase of my decision, I had to make up many classes in college from high school. Also, habing to work and support myself while keeping my grades up effectively doubled the workload. I wish I could go back with the knowledge that I have now. Please help me. I am in desperate financial need and quitting is not an option. I would be deeply appreciative of any help that I get. Thank you for taking the time to read my appeal.


Nothing in life comes easy. As excited and anxious as the prospect of college makes you, be prepared for new challenges academically, socially, and morally. Listen to your conscience, it is usually right. If people really want to be your friend, they will respect when you decide not to engage in what they are doing. However, do not be judgmental. People are the way they are for a reason, and everyone has their story, just like you have yours. Appreciate all your parents have done for you, and be receptive to their love, caring, and even their lectures. They want what is best for you. It helps to study a little bit every day rather than a lot the night before: you will probably freak out and mess yourself up. Be serious about your goals, and always put them first. Everything else comes and goes, but your decisions in these four years stick with you. Happiness will come your way with hard work and dedication. Do not be afraid to try new things, you'll oftentimes be surprised. Don't be afraid of change, it is inevitable when you're finally on your own. And be true to yourself. Always.