Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus?


All Georgia Tech students are engineers and Liberal Arts students are excluded.


Tech students are smart and work hard all the time. Some are extremely nerdy; some are very "normal" and athletic. There are few girls here, and they're all ugly.


Nerds and Geeks. Like football and Basketball. Shy to meet women or interact in a diverse setting. Like to debate and discuss. Hard working and Diligent. People with some focus in life and Character.


1. We're anti-social nerds 2. Most guys would rather play video games than go on a date 3. We don't know how to have fun


we're geeks who play WOW all the time and cry in our dorm rooms while touching ourselves and wishing there were actual girls anywhere


Nerds, Hardest thing you will ever do in your life, and alot of foreigners.


Some stereotypes about Tech: 1. It's extremely difficult. 2. It doesn't have many options for an education in liberal arts. 3. Tech only offers engineering programs. 4. It's a technical school curriculum. 5. It's hard to get accepted. Some stereotypes about the students at Tech: 1. We are all Asians. 2. We are all engineers. 3. We are all "brilliant". 4. We are all liberal. 5. We are all "nerds" who don't socialize and play computer games all the time.


When we party we party hard, but we also study really hard. Most of us are also nerd.


Nerdy; socially inept; hard working; smart; no girls attend, or the girls that do attend are unattractive. The classes are very difficult and the professors don't speak english (or heavy accent).


We are not a much fun as other student bodies. We study a lot and don't have fun. They say "You want a social life, good grades, and sleep....pick two"