Doing joint enrollment is the decision that you should make. It will allow you to slowly assimilate to the workload instead of just jumping right into college. Make sure that you get a job, because college isn't cheap at all. You can get a job anywhere you want with all the volunteer hours you have acculmulated over the years. Keep working hard and doing your best. Don't procrastinate because it will come back around and you won't like it. Enjoy your senior year because it's the only one you will get.
Always do what you want to do right then and their. Never wait for the right time, because in all actuallity ther is no correct time to do anything you just have to do it or it will never get done.
College life is a great learning experience, but before entering lets go back to high school where it all begins. High school can be fun but then again we always have teachers telling us that college is way different. In college one doesn't have to worry about attending classes if they don't want to., but not attending class will very much reflect on your grade. I would let fellow seniors know that working hard in high school pays off in college. Having good grades will help one get financial aid such as Hope Scholarship. When teachers make assignments due on certain time, its because in college assignments are always due on time, teachers don't let students know that there is an assignment due. Students have to keep up with the assignments and tests. In highschool start to accept different cultures, because every college has variety of different cultures and religions and one has to learn to accept them. This will make your college experience easier and one will be able to make many friends.
Stay on top of your game because if you blink for a minute the courses will pass you by causing your grades to slip and your mind to wander. Your education is more important than your popularity and the amount of nights you stay up late talking to friends. Your professors are there to help you, pay attention to them, if not for the information for the respect that you owe them!
I would go on more colleges' campus tours in order to get a better view of what I want out of college life. I would have stay overnight on campus and asked questions about their hired graduates and internships. I would also inquire about independent study and what extra activities are offered on campus (clubs, organizations, ect). Also when living on campus, pack lighter !!!!