Georgetown University Top Questions

Describe the students at Georgetown University.


Georgetown students are a hard working group dedicated to whatever they choose to pursue - from learning in the classroom, to extracurriculars and internships, to partying on the weekends.


Very focused on their appearance and their future, but also tend to be great people if you get to know them.


My classmates are motivated, hard working, competitive, spirited, friendly, and proud to be part of the Georgetown community.


My classmates are driven with passion to become grassroots peacemakers in hopes that we can avert more sectarian violence and the crisis of purpose seen in the near tragedy of the recent Christmas terrorism incident (and other needless suffering that includes high rates of child mortality from Malaria and insufficient hygiene; many of the world?s pressing problems are solvable if we find the collective resolve, coupled with innovative approaches such as a global youth service corps as a multinational force for good beyond borders).


Georgetown students are a diverse and knowledgable group that are very motivated to do well in school while recognizing the importance of being well-rounded individuals.


My classmates are all very talented and intelligent in a variety of areas.


One can have an intellectually stimulating conversation with them one night while being able to go out and have fun with them the next night and they have managed to strike the perfect balance between being smart and social.


A typical Georgetown student is motivated, independent, and passionate and successful in the hobby or extracirricular activity that he or she chooses to participate in.


They seem highly ambitious and purposeful.


Gtown kids are very self-advancing and driven.