When looking for a college, take time in considering the best place for you to grow. College is an important point in ones life because it is a time for you to develop as an individual and as a learner. First, look at what opportunities the school has to offer as far as organizations, community involvement, and career development. Second, look at the students that go to that school and ask yourself if you look up to them and if they are the kind of people you can learn from and would want to become more like. You will want to surround yourself with role models as you develop as an individual. Finally, go to a school that will challenge you at times and push you to be the person you have always wanted to be. The school you choose should support your vision of who you want to be four years from now. In the end though what is really going to matter is if you made the most out of your time in college, so become involved and active on campus. Make the most out of your college experience and you will have no regrets.
Visit everyone that you are interested in. Actually being there and experiencing the campus and people will help you enormously.
Determining the right school is a very difficult decision. It should not be based solely on the reputation of the school or how much financial aid is given. I have three pointers to be considered before picking a school. First pick five things that are important to you, and then eliminate the schools that do not suit those five significant things. For instance my five preferences are God, my family, career, fresh air, and warm weather. If going to George Mason University interfered with being around my family and the weather was below forty degrees more than one third of the year, I would not have chosen Mason. Next before selecting a school, visit the school and ask current students what they think about the school. Lastly before making the big decision, travel to the community around the school. Check for a bank you and your parents have, a local doctor that takes your health insurance, and transportation home like Amtrak so you can get a break from school and visit family on the holidays. Accepting the right school is one of the biggest decisions. So make sure you choose wisely.
Students should research the college before applying to them. Make sure the college has your major and class sizes you want. Students should not just apply to a college because of the college's name or what their parents want. The students should choose a college that will make them happy for they are the ones who will be living there for the next 4 years. Make sure that one is not just applying to the college for their social aspect. Students are students, hence the name and studies come first. People say that drinking and doing drugs is part of the college experience, but it does not have to be. Make sure that the people on the campus are hard working people willing to do something with their lives. The best way to enjoy a college experience without having to drink or do drugs is to either join a sport or a club. Students always forget is that there are people on campus that are willing to help, such as teachers and administators. College is a hard and scary time and when hard times hit people are alway there, just don't be afraid to ask for help.
If I were to give advice to parents and students about finding the right college and making the most of the college experience is when deciding on a college, be sure that it is a college that caters to all aspects of the student's daily life. Be sure that not only does the college cater to the students academic life, but social life as well. By finding a college such as this it will keep the student in a positive attidtude, ready to tackle academics as well as society. In terms of making the most out of college, never be afraid to try something that is out of your comfort zone. Things such as attending events hosted by different cultures or groups of people is an amazing experience and allows one to keep an open mind and broaden one's horizons. One can discover things that they would not normally have found out on their own.
The most important thing to remember when your child is looking for the right school is to listen to them. Students need to be in a place that fits them well so they are comfortable. When I looked at schools, my mom had no idea what to look for, but when I found GMU, I knew I belonged there. I have a friend whose parents decided what her future would be for her, and now she is unhappy and looking to transfer and change her major. Listening to your children is one important part, but don't forget it might be time to let go. Students gain freedom in college they might not have had before, but you raised them right so they will be able to take care of themselves. It's all about your child and making sure they are happy so their future remains bright.
Visit the schools and ask other students who attend to campus about their initial and current experiences. While visiting the campus walk the entire campus not just area's that the school points out as areas of interest. Look of the unobvious. Observe the iinteraction between the students and staff administration. Remember the number one goal is to learn, however building relationships will make the experience more seamless. Review the next step opportunities, such as grad school to help you determine the support that may be needed after finishing undergrad. Does the school help you find interships, jobs on compus? Research tosse what investment the school has in you. What is fact verses fiction. Find a mentor early in the selection process for any school you want to attend. Our mentor system works and has made a wonderful impact on my need to serve as a mentor for the next Freshman class.
If you are uncertain to the field that you want to be in, opt for a major that is broad like Business Management. If you are certain as to what you want to do, make sure you opt for the schools that excel in that field.
College is a time to not only learn how to better yourself, but to expereince life on your own. You need to pick the school that will give the most financial aid, with the most cheerful teachers, and a student population that is diverse as it is friendly. Go to the campus before making your final decision. Do you like what you see? Is it too empty for you? Is it too busy for you? Make sure it's the right college for YOU. Don't make choices based on where your friends or your family want you to go, becasue you may regret it; if it's not the place where you feel the most comfortable. To make the most of your college expeirence, you're going to have to step out of your dorm and make friends! They're the most important thing to you, you won't regret it! Kids like us look toward the future and say this is who I'm going to be. You don't want to be an adult who looks into the past and says this is what I should've done. Regret nothing, fear less.
The old saying is true: College is the best four years of your life. Making the most out of your college experience is about stepping out of your shell and being willing and open to meeting new people, experiencing new cultures, and striving to do your best in all that you do. Choosing the right college is the most important step to acheiving that. Make sure you narrow your choices. Choose a college that best suits you: Do you prefer a large or small student population? Does it have to be in the city or do you prefer a more rural atmosphere? Do you like the idea of a small student to teacher ratio or do large classes make you feel more at home? To help you make the right decision, visit your top college picks! Spend the weekend getting the perspective of current students and faculty members to help aid in your decision. And most of all students, talk to your parents. Your parents are one your best resources so take advantage of it. But don't let their opinion sway you too much. Make sure you're happy with whatever choice you make. Make the most of it!