Gardner-Webb University Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Gardner-Webb University?

Is Gardner-Webb University a good school?

What is Gardner-Webb University known for?


Gardner–Webb University is home to many school-wide events. At the beginning of the school year, returning students come back a week early and act as big brothers and big sisters for the upcoming freshmen. During orientation week, students gather in their orientation groups and complete activities together. Later, these orientation groups become the freshmen student's University 111 class, a class intended to introduce students to the University and how it works. Homecoming is a time of celebration at GWU. Central to Homecoming Weekend is the parade down Main Street in Boiling Springs. The weekend is full of special meals for alumni and students. One of the most popular traditions at Gardner-Webb is centered around the Friday night before the big Homecoming game. Students virtually "destroy" campus with rolls of toilet paper. The activity that is now condoned by administration is a major part of Gardner-Webb tradition. Although some students believe that it is a waste of time and toilet paper, most enjoy and partake in this tried-and-true Homecoming event. Other popular activities include the spring formal, occasional movies on the quad (the grassy area in the center of campus), Earth Day activities, ski trips, Midterm Munchies, Beep Ball Baseball, Open-Mic Night at the coffee shop, participation in discount nights at Chick-fil-a, IHOP, Pizza Hut and Octoberfest (an event where the community and college students come together as an alternative for trick-or-treating).