Be sure that when you are choosing a college or helping your child choose a college it is for adcademic puropses only. Not for the social event that go on on-campus. Also make sure the school has a good program that you want to major in that is very impotant.
Advice to the students: Students I encourage you to explore the different schools you may be interested in; tour the campus. Learn more about the school, the various organiztions and accreditation of the school. Make sure you fill out all paper work and return it to the school before the due dates to avoid delay in getting accepted into the school and long financial aid lines. As a freshman stay on campus and make new friends not enemies. College friends are sometimes your life long friends.Staying on campus is an advantage, many people think when you move off campus you are free from all the rules the school have. I had the opportunity to stay on campus for 2 years and off campus the other 2 years. For me, off campus life was horrible. I did not think about the big responsibillity it would be....bills after bills. Don't let me forget commuting back and forth everyday. Please do not be easily influence to do the wrong things in life, keep God first always! Remember your at school to learn, not for boyfriends/girlfriends but to get an education. Always remember your education is the key to success.
I would have to say, visit the school of your choice, ask tons of questions, figure out about all the activities available, and interact with tours of the campuses.
The advice I would give to parents and students about finding the right college is to first find out what they want to be for the rest of their lives. Afterwards, they should narrow their search down to at least 4 schools. Whenever they are done with their research, they should apply to the main two they find interesting. The main thing to remmber is that you are going to school for yourself and nobody else. The advice I would give to them to make the most of their college experience would be to never follow the crowd of people, but rather be a leader of their own pact. Everyday they are going to face hurdles and problems during their college career, but the number one thing to do is keep looking foward to tomorrow and not yesterday. Many people go to college and think it's a playground and they are gong to walk in there with the same attitude from high school, but things are not like they used to be. What I'm saying is that some changes such as reponsibility has to take its toll because college is a brand new world along with new experiences.
Don't think black and white when it comes to certain decesions. There IS a gray area after all... Always be optimistic and never fear to explore and take certain chances
Figure out what exactly you are looking for and search for that but don't be extremely picky because ost of the time it will just fall into place.
My advice would be to make sure that you visit each college campus before agreeing to go there. and to make sure that the school will focus on your major to make sure they will accomadte your educational needs.
Make sure you find a school that fits you. Don't follow the crowd.
I would advice all students and parents to make sure they can afford the school at which the student is attending. Pick your major based on what you could see yourself engaging in. Always try to engage in various organizations and enjoy ever moment of it!
My advise to parents and students is to first figure out what field of study you are most interest in and pick schools that are known to have a good program in that field. Second, out of the schools you pick, choose the one that is best for you financially. You do not want to have to take out a large amount of loans if scholarships and/or grants do not cover the cost. The following advice is mostly toward the students. While at college you have to remember academics come first. It's okay to have a social life, but do not let it overshadow your school work. Get invovled in as many on campus clubs and organizations. They give you a chance to give back to the commuinty and your campus and you also gain skills such as leadership, organization, communication. Also, while you are in college you should focus on building your resume. Try to find internships or participate in summer research programs that can give you valuable career experiences, a chance to network, and also help you grow academically.