Just how much it costs to go to college. I was aware of the costs on paper but actually having to save up all my money I earn and still take out loans is a completely different experience that I didn't realize until I got to college.
I wish I had known more about the off-campus housing opportunities as well as other scholarship opportunities. I wish I had known more about tutoring and different ways the University offers academic help to students who need it.
I wish I would have known how alone you are. No longer is everything handed to you and you aren't always reminded of when things need to be taken care of. You have to be very independent and outgoing to reach out and make friends and take care of all your responsibilites on your own with not all the help you were given in high school. Being smart is not the key to college, time management is.
I wish I had known more about the majors offered and how competitive some of them are.
how to find more money to help my parents pay for school, Fafsa does not give money out to everyone even if they really do need the help so I wish i had more oppurtunities to find money espcially with my dad being unemployed now.
I wish i had known how awesome this school is because then i would not have been so scared to come my first year. The students and faculty are all so willing to help.
I wish I would have known to talk to my acemdemic advisor before I signed up for my first classes. I ended up taking a class that was not needed and I did very poorly in. If I would have known that my advisor would have chosen a better class for me to take I would have started my freshman year with a better GPA and wouldnt have wasted my time and money on a class. I now go to my advisor everytime I sign up for classes and I'm on a much better path.
Before I came to this school or actually college in general is the big difference there is between being a student in a high school versus at a university. After graduating from the international baccalaureate program, where there is an intense, tremendous amount of workload I did not even flinch at the matter of being in college. However, in high school you are going and staying at a fixed time per day and constantly you are reminded by your classmates, and teachers about when certain assignments are due. This helps to alleviate some disorganization, but at college, its all you!
I was well prepared for this school, I wish that I wouldve toured all the dorms.
I wish I knew more about the different organizations and groups that Florida State has to offer.