Florida State University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Florida State University!


I am part of the Beta Psi chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi


Alpha Kappa Psi is the best Professional Business fraternity in the world.


If you're interested in business at all, a great way to network is Alpha Kappa Psi! I've never had such a great group of friends that I can depend on! Its a good way to help you make it through business school and its great for preparing you for the real world.




All in all, I'd give FSU a 9 out of 10. It rocks, but then again school is school and you know how that goes.


I hate the fact that arts programs are being targeted in the new Florida Medallion Scholarship cutbacks. It's totally fucking unfair. People are trying to make fulfilling careers out of these programs, and the state isn't making it any easier. There is a noticeable disdain for the arts from those who aren't necessarily involved, because the motivation behind art isn't profit. It's not about money, so why does it still stand? Arts must be a frivolous thing then. Let's cut their funding. It's wrong.


with all its ups and down, FSU ROCKS!!!!! im glad I decided to go here and i wouldnt have wanted to spend my 4 years of undergrad anywhere else!


FSU is great! I would recommend coming to this college for anyone!


College is an amazing experience. Have fun and do things you know you probably shouldn't. This is the time to do the stuff your parents told you to never do; just be safe and do it in moderation. You won't remember the nights you sat at home studying but you will remember the nights of fun!!


I love Florida State. It has made me who I am today. I have met the greatest people here, including my professors and faculty! The opportunities that FSU provides cannot be found anywhere else, and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else!