Florida Memorial University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Florida Memorial University?


A person that is in financial need of money should not attend Flordia Memorial University. I currently living in a single household and I do not have any money to attend and no money is being offered from the school.


You should not attend Florida Memorial University if you are not ready to work, and put in the effort to be a successful student.


anyone that can afford it.


The type of person that should attend this school is someone who is very driven , determined and that will stay focused. A person who wants to come to a small but fun university.This scholl has about a total of abouy 40 students to a room not to big and not to small so someone who likes the feel of small classes and not big ones should attend this school and also here , everyone knows everyone. A person who likes everything close by because everything at this school is right next to each other and alot of walking isnt needed.


anyone can attend it is the perfect college.


The kind of person that should not attend this institution is one that is not able to remain focused on their own, with out the help of others. At Florida Memorial one has to be truly independent. Campus life usually deals with a number of outside forces that hinder one from focusing on academia. These external forces include parties, alcohol and drugs. Therefore, it is paramount that one is able to remain focused.


At Florida Memorial University I feel that any one can join . There is no specific person that can go to this school or that shouldnt attend this school.