Florida International University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The best thing about FIU is that it is very diverese. You will find people from all over South America and the Caribbean. Also, the temperature is very nice.


The location of the school allows flexible living conditions and job oppurtunities


The campus is very beautiful and well kept, and the buildings are mostly new and well maintained. It is very enjoyable, even relaxing at times, to walk around campus and choose different spots to study. The ambiance is usually very serene and peaceful and there usually aren't many obnoxious distractions going on outisde.


The location - Miami is a beautiful place to live.


The thing I like most about Florida International University is the the diversity of students. They come from from all over the world. The same goes for faculty. I am a student at the FIU School of Architecture and my design professors come from top schools around the country.


The best thing about FIU is the recognition it has. I wish to graduate from this school beacuse it is a well known and respected university.


Close to my house. It makes it easier for me to get to class on time and helps me to save money on gas. It also is convenient when I have to get to campus for something as soon as possible. There are also people of every race and orientation, no one really discriminates.


I woud have to say diversity, and te feeling like im home while im away from home. I also feel safe and like i can live life and still get my work done. college is the best years of your life and i chose the best place to learn live and love life


The best thing about Florida International University is the strong drive the students have for success in their future. Majority takes their schoolwork seriously and are more than willing to help others in the process.


The diverse amount of people that attend the university.