Florida International University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Florida International University?


Florida International is a very large university and as such, there are times when one-on-one interaction with professors is difficult because of time issues and student volume.


There is no frustrating thing about my school. I love my school and I have pride!


Class availability is sometimes very minimal. There does not seem to be enough of a selection for all intended majors.


What frustrates me the most is the larger class rooms that can fill up around a few hundred kids at a time. I don't enjoy those classes becuase there isn't enough one on one time with students compared to smaller classes.


Probably the most frustrating thing about my school is that sometimes it can be overwhelming. There are so many clobs and so many events going on at once it can make your head spin. Oftentimes, it is difficult to keep up with everything going on.


Most frustrating thing about Florida International University is that there is not enough parking spaces for students. To be able find parking and to be able to get to class on time, you are advised by everyone to be on campus looking for parking 30 to 45 minutes before your class begins. Also another frustrating thing about my school is that the food is great, but it is overpriced. And just recently FIU became endrosed by Pepsi. So no more coca-cola.


Honestly, the most frustrating thing has to be the class size. Having so many people in one class limits the time you recieve from the professor. with classes of like 120 people, you might not get the attention you need in order to get everything in order for class.


I have yet to begin FIU as I have applied and plan on starting in the summer term. Yet, many of my peers are attending FIU and there is a frustration because there are a shortage in amount of classes being offered and fill up extremely rapidly. Also, instead class being held twice a week it is now only once a week, therefore there is more information compacted into one class making the classes a bit more difficult. Lastly, the cost of classes have been raised again.


The tution rate is really expensive.


There isn't really much that is frustrating about Florida International University. It is a great school and they have many different tools and avenues for the students to utilize. It is a very well-balanced school.