Florida Institute of Technology Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Florida Institute of Technology?


The weather is great! It is hot and sunny most of the year, and when its not you really only need a jacket. The beach is only 10 minutes away. The people are really nice and friendly. They offer a lot of social events for students.


The staff working at the school are major individuals in the fields of engineering, science, and other professional fields. I often brag how my Physics professors are working on the Large Hadron Collider or revolutionary Lightning research, or how there's NASA personnel at our school, including several Astronauts as alumni and professors. The school in itself was founded for the purpose of encouraging education for scientific careers by members of NASA nearly 50 years ago, and since then it'd been at the front of space and science research in the state and worldwide.


I am not much of a bragger. That is horrible manners, and I try to avoid it.