Visit the college before you attend! Consider if you want to go far from home or stay close. If you are going to be working while going to school, make sure you secure a job ASAP or at least make sure there are opportunities around. Get involved as much as possible, it really does go by way too fast! Follow the syllabus the professor gives you and do not procrastinate!
When looking for the "right" college, look at all of the possibilities and situations that the school has to offer. The surrounding areas, campus life, academics, housing situations, and more, all affect the growth and prosperity of a student. Even though some of the before mentioned may not affect the student directly it does affect the student in someway, shape or form. The bonds the students create throught campus involvement and housing arrangements can lead to a life long networking circle. All schools have websites, do research, not just the prospective students information page but research majority of the information on the school. Look at the school's recent news, clubs and organizations, awards recieved and more. Lastly, look more into the career path you would like to take, is that school the best for your career? Find out about the school's graduation and career placement statistics. Make sure you not only attend the open house but speak to students that attend the school, not just the ones volunteering or getting paid to showcase the school, but the average student walking around. Then you will know exactly what the school has to offer.
not sure, I'm a single mother of two boys not only working to support my own family fulll time but going to school full time. I did not get to enjoy full college life. I will advise students to get their education prior to starting a family and enjoy everything college has to offer.
How excited are you? You are a senior that is going off to college! There are so many decisions you are going to face on finding that perfect college and then experiencing that perfect college experience. I had to face that and it was not easy. The advice I would suggest to finding that ?perfect college? and that ?perfect college experience? is finding out what lifestyle you want at that college. Do you want to have a great football team or do you want to have that amazing aeronautical engineering program? This is vital because you want to be happy where you are. Do you want to stay local or have a change? Ask yourself questions. Parents: You have knowledge your kids do not posses yet. Guide them on their decision but allow them to make the final decision. They will be successful if they are happy. No matter how many college preparation books you can read just know that doing research and asking questions can help you make those final decision because you can never be to prepared.
Visit the schools that you wish to go to. I know when I went to visit I could see myself attending that school. It was such a great feeling. Also, students, finding the right balance of work load and friends is the hardest thing to do especially if you are away from home. It is the most important thing you can do for yourself though. Once you find that balance and stick to it, life can be a bit more easy. Sometimes it takes people a long time to find that perfect balance for them. I know it is my second year and I am still working on it. College is ment to be fun but you are there to study so both are important!
I advise parents help their son and/or daughter to acheive what their passion is and to constantly build their confidence and to not be pushy. Parents should not try to be in constant contact with their children because I feel the distance from family can help someone find who they truely are and what will make them happy in life. Parental influence can play role in a student persuing something that does not make them happy.
I advise students to study a lot! Complete all assignments and seek tutoring if you are having trouble. Pay attention to all of your surroundings, other students are not as nice as they seem, so keep friends far and few, and secrets to yourself. I do feel that Fort Myers is a vortex for taking ones good energy and having nothing to give in return, so stay strong! Don't let the world take you down and please, please constantly swim against the flow of society. Be yourself and be free. Don't take no for an answer and live life knowing you can do whatever you dream to do. Always spread good, and refrain from evil.
The most important thing to look at when choosing a college is their majors! Really look at them and read about them. If a school doesn't have what your interested in doing for the rest of your life, and you attend it anyway, well your obviously not in college for the right reasons. Once you have schools narrowed down by what your interested in majoring in, look at what their values are. For example, Florida Gulf Coast University cares very much about the envoronment, and so do I, that gives them an advantage in persuading me to go there. Last, I would say to look at what they offer for free time activities. Is there any sport your interested in? Or maybe a club or sorority? Are there areas near the school where you could have a part time job? All these things are important when choosing the right school for you!
My best advice for choosing the best college for you is to DO YOUR HOMEWORK! Read the local papers, publications from the University; read about the instructors and their accomplishments, the research they are involved in. Make sure you know the outcomes of recent graduates and their ability to pass boards or find employment after graduation. It is important to make a list of the most important things you are looking for in a college and to seek one that meets your needs. I made a mistake in that I chose a college for the gorgeous campus and I failed to do my research on the faculty, staff, passing rates on the boards and press releases regarding my school. Overall, the most important thing is find a school that you will feel comfortable and safe attending and be proud to represent in the community.
In finding the right college and making the most out of a college experience, remember to select a college that you would feel the most comfortable attending. Make friends, have fun, and be yourself. College is where people make lifelong friendships and I know this firsthand.
Be sure to visit the school and take a tour. Speak to an academic advisor before registering for any classes.