Plan ahead! College seems far away but looking for schools and visiting them before you enter your senior year is really a great way to do things. Also think ahead to the cost of college, you can't get loans with out great credit. Choose a school that has a great balance between location, specialization in the field you want to study and of course great social life.
Find a college that matches your needs, likes and dislikes. Take in consideration size, location, and academics. It can be the best time of your life or the worst.
This school is a lot of fun. It's close to the beach and the classes are small and personal. Most of the teachers want the students to pass and will help them do so. The greek life is small and but very active and a lot of fun. Our sports teams are getting bigger and better. If you're looking for a small school with a big school life style you can come here and not feel overwhelmed. I've enjoyed being here and the night life is great. Small night life in boca and a 20 min drive to down town west palm or Fort lauderdale and 30-45 mins from miami. :)
To the inquiring collegebound individual I'd say know what you want in a university in regards to size, competitiveness, social campus life, class size, and the proximity of the college to places to shop and/or hang out nearby. To the parents I'd say be active in your child's college interests by taking them to college campuses as well as taking the time to learn about how things like financial aid, meal plans, care packages, and residence halls operate; I know these are important issues to you and you don't want any surprises last minute.
I would have to say that students need to feel safe and confortable at the campus. The student needs to know what happens if something goes worng. Parent should feel that their kids are safe and getting a good education. Students should be able to talk to their peers and make friends easily. I think these are a few things that students and parents need to know.
When searching for a college don't choose the school because what people may say, choose it for what works best for you as the student. Choose the school that makes you feel life you belong. Also, do research on all the schools that you apply to.
Make sure that you chose a school that accomadates your needs. Don't just pick a school because it is a "party" school or it'll "look good on your resume". If possible, also try to go somewhere where you will know at least 1 person so that the stress isn't too bad. Most of all, have fun because it only gets harder after it's done and over with.
Look for the acidemics that you need at a rpice you can afford to pay tobe able to go to school full time and not to work. Trying to work and go to school is so very difficult and I wish Ihad completed my studies at a much younger age then I have.
I would visit many schools previous to applying and know all of their standards for acceptance. One should always have a "reach" school but make sure that the majority of the schools you're considering are actual possibilities. Once accepted, GET INVOLVED! Understand that school work is your first priority but without extracurriculars, one won't make any friends and will eventually begin to hate school. Be proud of the college or university that you attend. Wear school colors and go to sports games. Getting involved will only make your college career ten times better.
Finding the right college is not about the college's stats or where your friends decide to go. It's about immediately being drawn the the campus and just enjoying the atmosphere. Travel college campuses and just find one you're comfortable on. To make the most of your experience, do all of your homework immediately as you get it. Then, you have free time to do whatever you'd like and not worry about anything else. Good luck!