Our school has a variety of students on campus so anyone could attend Florida A&M University.
I honestly don't believe there is a type of person who shouldn't go to FAMU. People shouldn't let the fact that it is an HBCU even be a factor; I'm Black and I almost passed on the school because of that reason. If you want a great education, FAMU is for you. If you want to be a part of a family, a nation, where we support and lift each other up then FAMU is for you. If you want to look back on your undergraduate years and rejoice, FAMU is definitely for you.
The kind of person that shouldn't attend this school is a person that does not like school at all.
The type of person who shouldn't attend this school is someone who is looking for the next thing after high school. The person should not be looking to attend this school just because their best friend is there or because that's where their parents went and they are going for those reasons only.
Individuals who are not goal-oriented
A person who isn't comfortable being areound a lot of African Americans probably shouldn't attend Florida A and M. The majority of the students and most of the teachers are African American. This is probably the only problem that a person would have with the school.
People who just want to party and have fun should not attend this school. People who aren't serious about their education; whom are not familiar nor interested in Historical Black Universities should not attend this school. Florida A&M is an institution of higher learning, that focuses on the education of their students and also teaching the knowledge of those African American historians who were the reason we are here today. So, people who just want a good time or can't grasp the importance of African American history can/should not attend.
The kind of individual who should not attend FAMU are: party only students, or those who do not like diverse populations, or those who do not like a two university medium size city. If you do not like school ,save you money and the university's time.
A student who cannot deal with peer pressure should not attend this school. There are alot of alcholic activities that proceed on this campus, so if you feel that your friends can influence you a great deal then you should not attend this university.
Florida A&M University is a friendly and family oriented environment. No one should not be denied into this University, considering the fact that it?s a family oriented. FAMU does not discriminate any race, gender or sexuality therefore anyone is accepted or belongs to this University. In my opinion, many students should attend this University to get a great educated and great experience with exploring different cultures and being in the midst of a great family oriented atmosphere. No one is denied and I would only encourage others to join this prestigious University.