Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University? Why?


FAMU was a pretty good school. My professors were extremely nice and helpful. Aside from the financial aid office, which I didn't have any issues with but plenty of others did, most things went well.


Financial aid was often a nightmare. One time I got my aid the next semester


The financial aid system was often problematic for most people although I never personally experienced too many problems.


the worst thing i must say about my school is they are very disorganized when it comes to giving out financial aid. My room mate finally just recieved her award letter and net check this month which was the end of october. lets be mindful that school started in august. they also awarded me a grant and then took it away because they could not afford to give me the money for some odd reason. so this semester i'm short a thousand dollars.


Finincal Aid!!! Because you try to tell them about money that they gave you by mistake and they dont listen. I dont have time to be paying back anyone. Money dont grow on trees.


The worst thing about my school is the continued increase in tuition. For a school that is ranked pretty high on the public scale in Florida, the tuition around the state is always going up.




The lack of fin. aid compassion.


That very helpful when you try to make connect with the school officals and service offices. They will leave you on hold or just not call you at all.


The worst thing about my school is the constant bad press we receive and the reaction we receive from the public as a result. FAMU is a great school with a very rich tradition. We have several top ranking programs and a list of noteworthy alumni. Unfortunately, none of these aspects make the news headlines. Instead every flaw that may be in our system is illuminated by the press. I love the education and the opportunities that FAMU provides. I just feel that many prospective students will miss the chance to discover this institution because of the bad press.